day 242 – Cooking with Altitude

What to do when you have nine items in your impromptu repertoire for dinner at the tree house in the mountains?

The following Organic Everything meal was prepared on the fly with items I had and ingredients I brought up to Lake Arrowhead Woods in my handy dandy Trader Jo’s insulated bag.

What? You don’t have one of these?  Run…


Mountain Summer (One Pan and In No Time) Chicken Dish

¾ pound chicken breasts, thinly sliced

2 ears of ORGANIC corn (everything else is GMO’d), kernels freshly removed from cob

A bunch or a bag of Swiss Chard (can you believe my garden is still producing this crop?) or Spinach, ripped or sliced

1 large onion, sliced or chopped or both (I like the counter play of both, it layers the textures – some bits get caramelized more)

¼ cup parsley, chopped

2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped

¼ cup crumbled feta cheese

½ avocado, bite sized

¼ cup fresh lemon juice

And of course salt to taste and spray oil for your pan or @ 2 teaspoons of any oil (I used a good 3 second shot of coconut oil sprayed enough to cover the bottom of the pan)

Optional:  ¼ cup of jam to accompany dish.  I used my coconut peach jam from my neighbor’s peaches (check out earlier post-just type in peaches in the Search space).

The corn likes to leap so I use a dish or bowl and slice on the diagonal, bottom half first and then I turn it upside down and continue from center of cob down slanting my knife all the time rotating the cob all away around.Fresh raw corn kernels and freshly chopped onions and chard.After stirring around for around five minutes or so.

  1. Oil a large wide bottomed pan and heat over medium high.  Add onions, chard and corn when an onion dropped in the pan sizzles.  Cover and cook down, stirring to brown the onions, wilt the chard and cook the raw corn.
  2.  Move vegetables to side so half the pan is open for the chicken.  Add the chicken and season with salt.  Turn over and brown other side after @ 7- 10 minutes.  Season and stir veggies and chicken. Sprinkle herbs over chicken and feta over the entire pan.  Cover, lower heat and continue cooking for @ 7-10 more minutes.
  3. Pour lemon juice (save some for avocados) over the entire pan and stir veggies.  Serve with lemon slice, avocado and optional jam.

Chicken with herbs, turned over once.  Notice the sear and browning of the poultry.  It’s key to have the chicken sliced thinly to make this in a flash.The addition of feta.  Covering the pan melts the cheese.  Almost any type of cheese would work.  Goat cheese would be incredible!  Or omit.  Voila!  Notice the chunky jam at the top under the spoon, a little extra parsley, and the lemon wedge by the creamy avocado.  The textures and mouth feel of this dish was multi-lingual!  The corn popped in my mouth, the sweetness of the onions and corn with the savory cheese and tart lemon harmonized and the jam and avocado juxtaposed the flavors and textures subtly yet brilliantly on the tastebuds.

Feel free (and I will) to add, substitute or delete any herb, spice, veggie or condiment.  For example, next time, I might add some coconut milk and curry or rosemary not cilantro with chopped potatoes not corn or substitute tomatoes, oregano and mozzarella and omit the lemon… you get the idea.  I had chicken but why not shrimp?

A mouth-watering diversity of flavor at any height!

Serves 2-3

Buen Provecho!


 Mountain Momma Cooks with Altitude

day 241 – ENTHUSIASM!!!!!

I believe Enthusiasm encapsulates Gratitude, Abundance and Mindfulness and this positive force is Energizing and Life Giving.

  A large part of our magnetism comes from being aware of and thankful for our life and the way we live it. When we understand that there is little we truly lack, we are more apt to savor everything that crosses our path. Being in the moment in this way makes us not only more excited about things but also more attractive to others for we are focused on the ways in which life ignites our inner passions and desires instead of worrying about things that are not rooted in the present. Recognizing and appreciating the things that energize you will make your charm irresistible.” Read it from and copied it.

After reading the above thought-provoking paragraph, I realized I had heard or seen at least three different enthusiastic responses to life from people along my path already today and it’s only one o’clock in the afternoon.

Early in the morning, a person that is changing their complete life around had that certain spark in their eyes! I was entirely in their corner and envision their success!  Growth is mesmerizing to watch.

And then someone else and I had a good laugh at how excited we get about new ideas and projects and how sometimes said interest wanes and we are left with embarrassing amounts of paraphernalia related to the subject at hand after our zeal and fascination changes, deflates or dissolves into thin air!  AH! The spice of Life!

Yet another conversation had someone eagerly explaining all they had done for their new adventure in nutrition and health.  I became psyched for them too and felt their overflow of ardor through the cell waves, which was attractive and enticing.  I am so proud of them!!!

Enthusiasm is catching.

Enthusiasm is delightful, amusing and energizing.

Enthusiasm is mood altering.

Enthusiasm pulls you in, has incredible drawing power and we gravitate towards it.

So go ahead and spread your passion for whatever and demonstrate how alive you are!

We all benefit from elevated attitudes and we all receive a boost!


day 240 – Relationship Serenity Prayer

“I offer you this prayer for all the difficult relationships in our
lives: God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot
change, The courage to change the person I can, And the wisdom to know
that person is me.”

Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey

I got such a laugh out of this quote.  And how true!!!

May I always remember:

1.  I am not in control over anyone but myself.

2.  I cannot change you but I can change me and my perspective.

3.  Acceptance does not mean Approval.

4.  “NO.” is a complete sentence.

5.  H.O.W. do I manage to live a life of Serenity? – with Honesty, Openness and Willingness.

day 239 – Abundant Thoughts

Five Abundant Musings for Today

1)  What is something wonderful about yourself you learned today?

Overheard:  2)  The Power behind me is always greater than the trouble ahead of me.

3)  There is no spiritual path that emphasizes material goods, outside looks or artificial anything.

4)  There are energy givers and there are energy sappers.  I prefer to be a decent energy giver in training and by doing so will ward off or know how to avoid the energy vampires.

5)  The opposite of rigorous honesty is lying to self, denial and rationalization.

The antonym of humility is ego and pride.

The reverse of gratitude is self-centered pity, fear and absorption.

Living with Honesty, Humility and Gratitude wins you no awards, recognition or prizes but brings you great inner peace, a sense of balance in your day-to-day life and immeasurable reward within and without.

day 238 – Abundance

If I live in a world of abundance, I don’t have to feel deprived or gluttonous.

Living in a state of abundance in every way keeps my attitude, one of gratitude.

I get to feel, I get to be freely me and I get to be joyous.

With plenty in my pocket, my tummy and my dreams, I delve into spiritual food.

I am able to soar, to survive and to sacrifice with abandon, when I realize the bounty of my life.

I create, I give out and I decide with generosity as I prosper with endless opportunity.

The treasure of life awareness comforts me when ill, upset or under strife.

Enabling me to release, repair and rejuvenate with impunity.

There is a cornucopia of a world all around.

Find the immeasurable happiness that can surround you.

 A wealth of opulence will and shall abound

When you appreciate the lavish miracles that have found you.

I lead an abundantly full life in every precious moment!

My cup runneth over.

I get that now.


day 237 – Le Tour de France and Cauliflower

What does a bike race have to do with a Brassica vegetable?

Le Tour is in France and began exactly one hundred years ago by a Frenchman.

Cauliflower was introduced to the French via Italy in the 16th century, La Varenne (a famous chef and one of the first writers of gastronomy) used it and it became popular during the reign of Louis the XIV.

Hence, the French connection.

As a Francophile, I love all things French and Le Tour’s coverage on television worldwide includes sweeping views of my beloved country I must have lived a past life in because I cannot for the life of me understand the incessant draw to its land, people, language, fashion, cuisine, culture, arts, music, history and incessant beauty.

My living areas abound with touches of obvious, even garish French – loving gestures such as big black signs that say PARIS or a black-framed watercolor of the Eiffel Tower in the rain.

Tiny reminders of how much I love France scatter bookshelves via French inspired bric-a-brac like a tiny Eiffel Tower pillbox and a mini ceramic magnet I purchased in Paris that resembles the quintessential petit dejeuner with croissants, café au lait and a French daily paper.

One of my favorite ways to prepare cauliflower is to steam florets from a huge head till tender (anywhere from 10-20 minutes), add to a food processor with two tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, freshly grated nutmeg, sea salt and VOILA – mashed cauliflower that closely resembles mashed potatoes without the starch but high in folate, fiber, phytochemicals and vitamin C.

The Tour de France just finished its 8th stage today over the Pyrenees.  Tomorrow, there will be four rugged climbs for the cyclists.  The Tour lasts three weeks and I am floored by the athletic stamina, ability and speed of the participants.  Day after day, they sprint, they climb and they fall, averaging one hundred miles a day. 

It’s a coup de grace or final blow for some and a piece de resistance or outstanding accomplishment for others as I view with amour and longing, the great landscapes and vast regions of France, while enjoying artisanal French yogurt made in our very own Sonoma county or savoring mashed cauliflower with my Dijon chicken or tasting Brie topped French baguette toast with rose petal jelly form Seattle.

Who knew how tasty watching hours of cycling could be?

day 236 – Kale

After thoroughly washing and drying fresh kale, tear leafy parts from the firm center vein and place in a bowl.  Discard the center vein into your compost pile.

Hint:  I keep a bowl for scraps by my cutting board and then toss veggie/fruit/eggshell/coffee grinds and tea (never meat/bones/oil) into my outdoor revolving compost bins.

Preheat oven to the highest heat.  Add 2 tablespoons of favorite oil, a dash of turmeric, chili powder and salt, and 2 teaspoons of sugar.  Toss and place evenly over a flat tray.

Hint:  I used non-stick aluminum foil because I abhor cleaning stuck on anything.

Toast in a convection oven at highest heat for @ 7-10 minutes or bake at 500 degrees for 10 – 15 minutes.  Keep an eye on your kale chips and they will crisp without burning.

Serve as a snack, as a garnish or sprinkled over salad. I enjoyed mine over mashed cauliflower that tasted just like mashed potatoes.

Check in tomorrow for mashed cauliflower.

day 233 – Dyer

First – I want to bring your attention to the right hand side of the screen.  You can search for any word, author, food, place, etc. Type out your interest  in the box and hit return.  The Search feature will bring up all posts from the past with that information for you.  Hope that helps.

Second –

Dr. Wayne Dyer reflects over a summer of pondering and writes  “I was blessed to look back on events and see clearly how every stumbling block I encountered was actually a rung on the stairway to my highest potential. Reflecting on all those years, the miracles of my life shone through. Now, from a position of being able to see much more clearly, I know that every single encounter, every challenge, and every situation are all spectacular threads in the tapestry that represents and defines my life, and I am deeply grateful for all of it. I Can See Clearly Now is a culmination of my personal life lessons and revelations and examines what we can learn from our connection to one another and to our Divine source.”

Not only do I believe and live this to the full extent (eventually seeing the gift in everything) but he says it so simply and beautifully for all to understand and appreciate.  I am grateful and admire the great writings of philosophers, thinkers and spiritually centered teachers.

I am fortunate enough to have a friend (L) who has invited me again (last time it was in LA and he was introducing his book Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life wherein he interprets the Tao Te Ching for the western modern age), to attend a Wayne Dyer moment.  To get to go see in person and hear an inspired, wise and leading author in this genre is such a generous gesture.  Thank you, L.

Like I have written before about Marianne Williamson, he stays on stage until everyone gets to speak to him, shake his hand or gets a big bear hug.  Whatever you need.  Till everyone on the line gets through.

This particular event, on this particular day, will be taped live for a PBS special in Escondido, San Diego and the topic is the doctor’s most recent memoir titled I can See Clearly Now. The above quote is directly from his new book.

Needless to say I am ecstatic about the outing and look forward to all the gems of wisdom (last time I brought my rainbow legal pad and took pages and pages of notes) and time spent with my dear friend L (and her gems of wisdom).

If you haven’t read from his prolific published works, listened on tape or seen a PBS special of Dr. Wayne Dyer yet, you are missing out and I strongly suggest you give him a try.

My favorite book he wrote is There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem.  “Thinking is the source of problems. Your heart holds the answer to solving them.”  He proclaims.

That’s what my friend L has been saying to me for years!!! “You know the answer,” she encourages.  “You already have the solution, look into your heart,” she reminds.  She’s been a big fan of his for decades and “I can see clearly now” the influence and impression he has had on her.

It’s an honor and a privilege to get to go see a speaker of such depth, breadth and warmth and like Marianne Williamson, L and myself; he too believes love conquers all and the answers lie within.