Y3 – Day 355 – Happy New Year!!! 2016!!!

I said farewell to E this morning at 5am before dawn as she drove up to be with sister V in Berkeley to celebrate the New Year Japanese Style together – a nod to their backpacking trip last New Year’s.

I watched Dubai celebrate with fireworks while a hotel burned at noon PST today.

I am so excited! I was first on a wait list for the advanced paint class at Peinture and I just received the call this afternoon that I got in!! Thirteen different techniques that I know I will learn so much more about!!

J and M are going to Teemu Selanne’s restaurant for a party where her brother in law will be bringing out the BEST from the kitchen exclusively for their table of twenty-thirty somethings. 

To be fair, I won’t probably even make NY Times Square ball dropping. It has been a wild vacation yet mellow as well. The love of my life and our pets will most assuredly be in bed by eight pm or so. 

Like a marriage, it is not the wedding that counts, it is the relationship lasting.

We will bring in 2016 in a subdued, sleeping mode because it is all the rest of the days in the year that matter, not just tonight.

Enjoy and Peace Out to 2015!

Y3 – Day 352 – Reminiscing

When I was young, I used to love to spend hours outdoors, especially with my cat Misty, in the shade under a tree right under one of my bedroom windows. I loved to look out of my windows; one by my twin bed of two and the other above my favorite of two desks. I loved to watch the seasons change. My preferred location was this painted wooden tableau overlooking our backyard and beyond. To the right was a wooded lot where I spent many a day having acorn fights. I climbed the limbs of the oaks with finesse and familiarity.

Sometimes, I walked home from school through ‘down Polly’s’ which was the name of a forested field you could cut through. Most days, I used the residential streets which was the main route and walked in groups. As each child came to their house, the number of our group would drop, till everyone was home.

I remember my room as a sanctuary.

Y3 – Day 351 – Simple

I am energized to organize, beautify and empower my life.

I made up this affirmation back on June 18th and have worked on this personally since, no matter what the circumstances.

I need to create and enjoy my life.

I release self-judgment on perfectionism, a fantasy state.

In order to simplify, clarify and balance my life, I need to declutter, organize and re order my priorities.

The more I give away/toss out of my house, the less burdened I will feel.

Reframing and shifting occurred. And so, I continue.

Y3 – Day 350 – Humor

Laughter – Humor – Comedy

What I think is funny might not be to others. Some amusing situations are universal. But hilarity can be personal too.

There is dry humor, black or dark humor, physical/accident prone humor like Chevy Chase, Lucy Ball and the 3 stooges, wry humor, sarcastic humor, intelligent humor, potty humor, puns and language humor, self-deprecating humor, observational humor…and the list goes on…

What is your favorite? What makes you slap your knees? What gives you the giggles?

We all could use a lightness through the holidays (and during remodels).

Y3 – Day 348 – Lighten Up

What I have found from investigating, radically sifting through, organizing and throwing stuff out is that I feel lighter, more creative and happier. Now I know I can live with less or just enough. Now I know I am worthy to live with only what brings me joy, beauty or practical usage. I have let go of guilt, shame and baggage, all from decluttering.

I have a pile of things for kids to choose from or toss. I boxed and put away special, sentimental items that no longer fit but I still cannot give up.

Clutter was taking up my energy. It was overwhelming. I thought I needed to stop acquiring and start discarding, but that wasn’t enough. I realized after seriously scrutinizing and questioning my issue that I was healing as I let go.  I breathed in the phenomenon of knowing I was enough and then, I exhaled in gratitude.

Y3 – Day 346 – Suffering

Sometimes in life, suffering a little is better than not because it moves you forward, deepens your commitment and elevates your desire.

Rarely is suffering not attached with a gift.

On the other hand, when the road is too easy, paved with lots of advantages, praise, encouragement and/or money, it can keep you unfulfilled, unsure and weak.

To self empower ourselves we need to develop strength and earn another vertebrae in our spine.