When I was young, I used to love to spend hours outdoors, especially with my cat Misty, in the shade under a tree right under one of my bedroom windows. I loved to look out of my windows; one by my twin bed of two and the other above my favorite of two desks. I loved to watch the seasons change. My preferred location was this painted wooden tableau overlooking our backyard and beyond. To the right was a wooded lot where I spent many a day having acorn fights. I climbed the limbs of the oaks with finesse and familiarity.
Sometimes, I walked home from school through ‘down Polly’s’ which was the name of a forested field you could cut through. Most days, I used the residential streets which was the main route and walked in groups. As each child came to their house, the number of our group would drop, till everyone was home.
I remember my room as a sanctuary.