Y4 – Day 318 – Inward Damage

I don’t like not liking someone. I feel guilty for not liking. I turn that inward. I misplace it inside of me instead of working it out. I suppress the truth because it is distasteful and I don’t cope well with conflict. I have some sort of loyalty to liking others perhaps because I like to be liked.

I find if I listen to my intuition and ask myself, “Am I coming from a place of fear or misplaced guilt?” or “Am I coming from a place of love, acceptance and protection of self?”

Your feelings are your feelings. It is owning them that takes courage.

Y4 – Day 317 – Perspective

Astrologer Dora Jones said, “Each of us comes into life with a promise, a gift, a passion and a deep heartfelt desire.”

According to Iyanla Vanzant’s dissection of this quote:

The promise is what I have come to life to master, overcome, resolve and/or heal.

So, I started thinking about that mouthful of a sentence and Iyanla’s interpretation.

I know I have had to master my sense of victimhood, overcome my selfishness, resolve my mother issues and heal my stubborn ego.

The gift is what I have to give to life and others. This includes talents and abilities. How do I  contribute and share it with others?

My gifts include a natural sharing and the therapeutic help I offer others so they can grow, see practical and spiritual solutions for themselves. I have a knack for unraveling, opening and identifying truths. I have the ability to teach in an organized, simplified way. 

The Passion are things I pursue for joy, that make me feel alive, make life worth living and meaningful, makes me feel valuable and worthy but others have belittled it as useless or I myself may believe that.

Working with words, color, plants, creating beauty and those who suffer from addiction are my passions. I know I believe these are valuable and good for me.

The Desire is the thing I want most to experience in life. Love and acceptance is usually it. The challenge is not to lose identity or integrity in the pursuit of whatever that desire is.

My desire includes love, acceptance but also PEACE, enlightenment and a sense of purpose. I know my heart sings when I help someone else achieve that “AHA” moment. There is nothing like being a teeny tiny or pivotal part of another’s awakening.

What is your promise? What are your gifts and passions? What is your desire?

Y4 – Day 316 – Rewarded

Happy Birthday to M, my son!

I am rewarded at every turn by the awareness of blessings in my life.

With all that I do, I visualize and do it with my Goddess, whom is the innate Goodness that resides in me. This is my version of higher power. I feed the goodness in me. I rely on the goodness in me and I am the goodness in me when I am my best, highest version of myself.

I am one and the same. My power is infinite. Yet, I must push the button and have no fear. Possibilities are endless because time has no ending.

This is the Goddess remembered, unearthed and activated, unleashed upon Earth.

Y4 – Day 315 – Soul Search

Seeking awareness and self-actualization requires a degree of self-nurturing we seldom give to ourselves.

When I think of my theme as a life, I think of worth, self-worth, worthiness and empowering others, cheerleading for them to succeed, be their best and honor their gifts. I think of how I write, paint, plant, study, teach and read about what I seem to need myself.

My soul is learning to breathe, to express itself as the divine working through my human form and existence. I am here to learn how to give back. I am digging deep so I can let go, I am writing as I learn and I share with a generosity of spirit, I am proud of.

Y4 – Day 313 – Conflict

Dealing with others, finding compassion and coming from a place of love, not fear, like an alert, on-guard animal, is something we all need to mature into if we had had any sort of trauma along the way. Inside we all have Conflict, the critical voice of Unworthiness and Cowardly rationalizations.The protective shield needs to be chipped away in small, and sometimes blunt, doses. The hidden message challenges prejudice, judgments and previous perceptions.

We get beyond our wounded scars by collecting them from all the scattered recesses of the mind and look at them fearlessly and objectively, even if accompanied by tears and sad grief.  One by one and then there was One, weathered and beat up like a distressed piece of driftwood. To face the giant hole of suffering, located in every soul if you dare search, is the main line of all your reservations to love wholly and completely. From this place, it takes courage to explore the seed of your doubt, worry and fear. After layers and veils of shame, guilt and resentments are lifted, you are left with a red, pumping heart, treasured in a wooden, barreled box.

Being Love, with loving boundaries, stripped of remorse, blame and reproach, we harness our passions, using them wisely. Be a change agent in your brave search for the authentic self, your search for fulfillment and meaning.



Y4 – Day 312 – Your Personal Renaissance

” When you reach out to follow your calling, the Universe supports you with a world of possibilities.” – Diane Dreher from Your Personal Renaissance.

I have read many of Diane Dreher’s books. Amongst them, The Tao of Woman hood and The Tao of Peace. Each of these tomes are literary examples of non-fiction in its most relatable yet academic form. Your Personal Renaissance is taking me over a year to digest as she loves to sprinkle exercises and deep writing prompts that delve far into your psyche. I am just not always ready for it. My next Dreher read is Inner Gardening wherein she cultivates the soil and the soul. Yet, I must be disciplined and finish Personal Renaissance first!

Today’s wise thoughts to self:

Be kind to self

Practice faith (whatever that looks for you but keep it positive and uplifting- not faith that the other shoe will drop out of the sky or a cynical belief).

Live in the Now

Y4 – Day 310 – Eyes of Compassion

Have the eyes of compassion when you see people spinning, defending and arguing over what you believe to be untrue, unloving or unkind. They are suffering.

Wisdom, great ideas, inventions, music, art and spiritual awakenings come from distress, grief and pain. As the ego is squeezed out, resilience, endurance and creative expression erupts. After a shock, the innocents, the healers, the believers and the protesters build a web of solidarity.

Renewed hope, the light of love as a torch and doing the right thing for all of humanity wins out in the end.Though it may look like it hasn’t.

Remember Love, you know, that home inside of you. Let Love live in you. Every single person is Love, sometimes they are just in denial, but it is there. It is behind the wound, the scab they don’t dare scratch. By forming a safe, loving circle, we can heal each other.

If the entire planet blew up right now, the spark of Love would still exist in the form of a cypher. The evolution of Consciousness is alive and well.


Y4 – Day 309 – Loving Feb

Creative Intelligence, Divine Goddess, or whatever you name the source of Love and existence, is everywhere, in you and around you and always has been. When you admit, and realize this sweet axiom, a sense of grandness perches on your knowing and being. It shows you your time is both infinite, expanded and, microscopic as one, because our soul is born of, thrives and exists in love.

I invite you to re-ignite the simple yet powerful pilot light within you this month. Celebrate Love in every chance meeting, every phase, facet and branch of your story.

I recognize love, happiness, joy and enthusiasm in myself.  I acknowledge the wonder of the Universes and Life.

I honor and protect my divine spirit.