Y4 – Day 308 – Love Thoughts

Camellia 2017 – Love Thoughts

Allow your eyes to look upon everything with Love. Keep Love thoughts prevalent in your mind. It will manifest itself in vivid form. Love lights up your vision. Use that lens and watch through Love’s glasses. Colors appear brighter and nature comes alive.  

Smell with Love and the earth beckons, laden with life. The scent of his hair, fresh cut flowers and favorite foods feed the aroma of Love.

Listen as the breeze sweeps past your loving earlobes. Hear the sound of lapping low-tide waves, a baby cooing and a festive family gathering with the music of Love.

Caress, hug, touch, pet and respond as Love. Lather and rinse with gentle bubbles of tenderness. Wrap yourself mightily around Love.

Taste with gratitude. Honor and praise with your mouth in Love. Savor, ingest and salivate with Love.

Y4 – Day 307 – Lemon Abundance

Lemons 2017 from one dwarf Meyer lemon tree and more to come.

In February, venture to look inward and hold stock of where you most need healing. By knowing what we have joy in and what we adore around us, we can recognize, listen to and touch our inner motivators. Let’s present our pure center with awareness, acceptance and attention. Let’s take time to mend our broken places. Let’s thaw out relationships. We will then surely throw open the gates of understanding.

Make lemonade!

Y4 – Day 305 – Trust

I am expanding, moving forward, making progress when I see the results and find joy along the way.

You totally know you have the talent, smarts and experience to do whatever it is you are drawn to when you encourage yourself.

All thoughts that do not serve you towards your goal are self defeating.

Know you are divinely guided, in a state of trust and protected when you feel peaceful yet energized about your future. It is energetic serenity.

You are not in a place of assuredness when you put yourself down or think you can’t do something. That is a barred road, a dead end and is hopelessness.

Trust looks like letting go into the flow. You have faith. You believe without seeing. You know you will be ok. It comes from your soul self.

Y4 – day 305 – Tulip Jewels

Amazing! Beautiful!  – Like these tulips, you are an amazing jewel – an unexplored, under used GEM! A precious stone, a multicolored, variegated flower. You are an instrument of Peace, Love, Beauty and Goodness!

Keep at it. Stay connected. Meditate.

When you have been unkind, you know you have reverted to your small self. Stay strong!

Y4 – Day 304 – Positive Self-Imaging Part 4

“In her book, Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr Clarissa Pinkolas Estes assures us that the wild woman in us is unleashed only after she has survived many trials. Beware, she warns, once a woman has found her inner nature. She is unstoppable.

That is me. That is, you. You have fire, earthiness, watery emotions, insight, intuition, innate wisdom and a deep sense of tribe. I know that about you if you are a woman seeking self-actualization.

The better you feel about yourself, the better the world looks and the more you attract the best people into your life. It gives you confidence to follow through on your passions and pursue them in earnest.

This year is your year and you are going to re-ignite your zeal.  We improve, grow and become wiser, every year, when we are on this path.

The Universe is on your side; the time is now and we are motivated and driven!

I am worthy. I do deserve to be accomplished and a success in my chosen field using my talents!




Y4 – Day 303 – Positive Self-Imaging Part 3

If you are dying to do something: if you have a passion, a hobby or a dream – write, meditate and pray on it. The answers will come.

For so many years I have dreamt, educated myself, marinated and desired to believe in myself. I have worked hard to get to this place.

And now, it’s here. I am laser focused on reaching my goals by harnessing the potential I now own and recognize as mine. Like in The Wizard of Oz, it was always in me.

In just the last ten days. I have been derailed by family, floods, leaks, time constraints, miscommunication and medical emergencies Yet, I choose to find the miracle and the silver lining. I adjusted my attitude.

I am worthy of this new woman I call myself. And, YOU are worthy, no matter how far down the scale of priority you have put yourself on. You ARE essential. You can seek to better yourself in the coming year. You can continue to evolve or dig yourself out of the proverbial hole.

 I know you want to continue the journey to your best self. I believe in you. If I can do it, anyone can.

Y4 – Day 302 – Positive Self-Imaging 2

Having a shift in perspective and claiming your gifts necessitates action not just right thinking.

List three things you can do, join, plan or incorporate into your day, today, to improve yourself. For example, it could be a 5 minute meditation, 50 sit-ups and shopping for 5 healthy meals for the week. Or, a 10 minute walk, repeating one affirmation ten times and a removing 10 things from your counter or house and putting them away where they belong.

Then go do it!

List two things you can do, join, plan or incorporate into this week; Join an online help/support group, call two good friends and leave 20 minutes for each so there is plenty of time and incorporate two new exercises or vegetable into your repertoire.

Then go do it!