Y2 – Day 352 – The Four Best Poses for Rest

There are 4 Restorative yoga poses that I would suggest for this Holiday season. It will not only calm you but also open you up, helping you flow through the next few weeks with more joy.

Every one knows about Savasna or corpse pose where you just lie on the mat with your eyes closed. While you are there, place an eye pillow (hopefully one of mine with organic lavender flowers and flax seeds – email me if you want one) on your forehead, covering your eyes if that is comfortable. Place a rolled up blanket under your knees to release your lower back which allows you to stay in the position for a longer period of time. Perhaps a pillow under your head will create the relaxing experience it is meant to be. Allow your arms to fall out to the side, by your body, with palms up. In this mudra (hand posture) you receive. Let your feet fall out to the sides of the mat, splaying out, about hip distance apart. Move your jaw around and side to side and relax your mouth, lips parted. Breathe into the belly deeply, inhaling through the nose and releasing from the mouth. Make the length of the exhale twice as long as the inhale to activate your parasympathetic nervous system automatically. Your physical body responds to your breath. Your entire being benefits.

EXTRAS: Play some chime, tibetan bowls or spa music. Light a candle or incense. Rub some lavender oil on your wrists and the tip of your nose. Place crystals on dedicated chakra areas.

Stay in this posture for at least ten minutes and ideally, 20-30 minutes for maximum benefit. Make sure you do this at least once a week. Being in this space and place every day will change your world.

Tomorrow, another mellow pose for you.

Y2 – Day 351 – Two Weeks

In two weeks, Year two of this “experiment” of writing every day (even if it is just one sentence) by midnight of that day will come to a close. I have since expanded recently, engaging in social media. If you want to follow me on Pinterest, Twitter or FaceBook, all you have to do is press Follow at the top of the website (Thank you, you know who). If you want to share a post, the same buttons are on the left side of the post. You may also print out any given, interesting blog (like lists of affirmations or recipes or inspirational thoughts) – also, located on the left side, right under the red P for Pinterest. You can email anything you want by clicking on the envelope, under the bluebird/Twitter icon. Conveniently, you can search for anything as always in the two search boxes at the top right and to the right, above Recent Posts.

Every year, I write a letter to myself that I open the following year, on Dec. 9th. In this letter, I describe what has occurred and all the great events that have taken place in my family that year. Then, I write to the Universe and my superconscious self, all the wonderful things that have happened or accomplishments my family and I have achieved, with gratitude, as if they are a done deal and have already taken place.

Crazily enough, a lot of it comes true, the following year. Maybe it doesn’t look exactly the way I thought it would but eventually, it happens, even if sometimes, I have to wait a few years. I wrote about and visualized the treehouse way before we saw it. That’s probably why when it became true, it all happened so fast. It was kinda overdue. I just had to wait for the right time, right situation, right cabin to be up for sale and right chain of events to coincide.

I could describe some more fascinating coincidences of my own or you could just try it yourself. Write yourself a letter, seal it and place it where you will find it exactly one year later.

Think big, think fabulous and don’t hesitate to send your most treasured and private wishes out into the Cosmos.

Y2 – Day 350 – J’s Dinner Tonight

Foodies just love to talk spice, trade recipes and incite appetites.

I get a lot of photo or text updates from J, especially when she’s at the farmer’s market or the grocery store and wants me to know about something on sale or special or in season.

J calls cooking her therapy and lives to make special dishes. Tonight, I got her entire creative menu she prepared and served with finesse for her empty nest table.

I will post the photos of a few items.

Tomato salad with lemon avocado oil and elderberry balsamic vinegar dressing. IMG_3485

Israeli couscous with raw almonds, blood orange olive oil and lemon and according to chef J, the kitchen sink (aka;lots of goodies like olives).IMG_3483

Shirataki noodles with vegan crumble, kale and shaved brussel sprouts with chili paste and fish sauce.IMG_3481

Marinated Halibut, grilled and served with homemade Chef J fresh organic mint pesto. Check out her presentation for a typical Tuesday night at home.IMG_3486

And for dessert! No sugar added ice cream with crushed up no sugar added cookies with a sprig of mint and blueberries. Looks like there are some almonds, pepitas and raisins in there too. YUM!IMG_3487

This meal is thoroughly inspired. Thank you J. She had no idea it would end up being a blog post, (don’t worry, I ask first) but I bet it tasted even better than it looks.

If you have something you would like me to share on this post, don’t be shy and let me know.



Y2 – Day 349 – Three Big Deals




These are my Three Big Deals. They always have been. All the answers are really within me and they have always been there.

Some people unlock or unleash parts of me like buried treasure and other times they may have the key or a word that helps me to connect some dots about Universal Truths or the past for me.

I need to always be observant and listening – there are clues everywhere.

I am trustworthy and I tend to give others several chances but it is difficult to earn it back once you have lost that trust. Because I love and trust myself now, I may forgive (so I can move on) but I might not forget (although I tend to let a lot slide by).

I work and have always worked on an emotional, vibrational and intuitive level. The trick is to include logical and intellectual knowledge. That would equal wisdom. If I could have that kind of combination of levels of understanding on several or many topics, I would be a Sage. But alas, I am a work in progress and some days are clearer or smoother than others.

It is absolutely fascinating to me that I have allowed belief in myself and my abilities, goodness or truths to be squashed or disrespected over and over, especially since that is the very thing that builds up our self-confidence – our belief and respect of self.

By loving myself, all these issues all become clearer. I started with Love, from there I began to trust myself and this has led to more self-respect and a return to loving of self. A complete circle.

I suppose it doesn’t quite matter where you begin. As long as the search is on.

Y2 – Day 348 – Crystal Show

Just came back from a crystal show and party. Loved all the rooms filled with thousands of crystals, rocks and minerals all classified and categorized, organized by their correct and best Feng Shui placement. Truly an unique experience. The entire house was vibrating. I left very uplifted.IMG_3472 This was what a group of us called – the grounding room. It is located in the northeast corner of the home, the display was powerfully repelling and reversing any strong negative forces. It contained many specimens of black tourmaline, obsidian and smoky quartz. All three protect you.

IMG_3473This piece called my name so I took a picture of it to manifest it. The owner made sure I took it home. “Deal of the Century,” he called it.


Lighted agate and salt lamps, agate and all manner of stone were displayed in this section of the house.

Crystals are timeless and have rich historical energy. They are legendary.

Y2 – Day 345 – Delicious Soaps

Can soap be delicious? Well, it can certainly look that way.

My friend J brought back a spectacular gift from Israel – a delicious soap set from Sabon.

They look like the real thing and smell ‘crazy’ good!

Clockwise from the far left: Ambergris, Honey, Rose with dried herbs, Grapefruit, Grape and Strawberry Yogurt.

Beats eating the calories and since I am off sugar, it is a squeaky clean way of getting my dessert fix.

IMG_3465Thanks, J.

Y2 – Day 344 – The Quality of Communication

Yesterday’s post reminded me there are many such instances where I can recall how someone has improved my outlook with just one positive, well-intentioned sentence.

On the other side of the coin, have you ever had someone thank you, out of the blue, for something you said or did you can’t even remember? If you are reading this, I know you have and I consider that good pay back.

I also believe the quality of a response, its tone and inflection can demonstrate the willingness to change, improve or otherwise enhance a continuing dialog.

Today, I focus on making every moment and encounter a beneficial and giving action. You might never know who’s life you will touch or who is watching. The awareness that it all matters gives your exchanges an inner, magical twinkle.

Love or lack of it, is reflected in the small devotions and gestures. I try to remember to have loving intent, to give and receive love, with grace.


Y2 – Day 343 – Quantity vs. Quality

“This is my time here on Earth and I shall blossom – and –  just like a daisy cannot hope to become a rose, I find freedom and satisfaction in being the best Cecilia I can be.” – CBSteger

There will be people who question, deride, ignore or despise you. Keep walking your authentic path and you shall be shielded.

Marianne Williamson once said, ” It isn’t the breadth of my influence, but the depth of my devotion, that determines my value to the world.”

I value her quote and will add – It isn’t the quantity of people I know (which I used to think so) but the quality of relationship I have with people, today, that rewards and enhances my life and theirs.

I get that today.

Think of all the people whom have changed your life. Maybe they were sweet, helpful or supportive in some way – and maybe they didn’t even know it. Perhaps they ignited a spark, lit some light for you, or reminded you of a hidden gift you have that they recognized in you. It is also possible they were not in your life for very long, just a split instant is all it takes to feel validated, approved of or encouraged. We do the rest.

I am sure you can think of someone in your youth. I recall a homeroom teacher whom I only saw for ten minutes a day in Junior High. He advised me to smile more. He took the time to tell me that somewhere between attendance and announcements. He felt I expressed my inner beauty when I smiled. I must have looked glum, withdrawn or distracted. He wasn’t a creep, he was very respectful about it. He merely observed and commented.

I have always remembered that small kindness and attention. In a flash, I felt less troubled and equipped with a shortcut solution to my attitude. I learned about having a positive outlook and the generosity of sharing your awareness, in one open, truthful sentence.

At a certain point, you look back and notice the quality people or the persons with qualities you admired and just sigh, shake your head and pass it on.