Y2 – Day 293 – Mango Lemon Dessert

I had an organic, fresh, ripe mango waiting for me in the fridge.  I took it out and sliced it the long way in half.  I twisted the two halves and released.  Voila!  That is how you begin.  Then I took one half and used a spoon to carve out the juicy, tender, orange-yellow flesh.  I pared out the flat seed with the same serrated knife and shaved off all the fruit I could off of the pit.  Then, I proceeded to scoop the rest of the goodies out of the remaining half.

I placed the cut up mango in a nutribullet.  I added fresh squeezed lemon juice (@ 1/4cup), a few drops of stevia, a pinch of cardamom ground spice, 1/4 cup water, 1/8 tsp raw vanilla dust or try 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 1 Tbsp. chia seeds and one package of low fat organic tofu (12.3 oz.). I whirred up the ingredients and enjoyed a very low fat, low caloric, organic, healthy dessert for two.

Y2 – Day 292 – Autumn Now

Autumn is a time for reflection.  As the leaves turn from bright greens to dramatic yellows, fiery reds and crisp oranges, thoughts become pensive and ready for review.

It is a season to harvest ideas, begin and end projects, till the memories under and clear a path for fresh encounters.

As we prepare our souls for winter, let us re-evaluate our spirits.

“The more I wonder, the more I love.” – Alice Walker

Wonders never cease to amaze when miracles abound.  

Awakening to our true gifts astounds us.

Y2 – Day 291 – October Harvest Wreath

A harvest display of Fall colors decorate this lush and handcrafted wreath.  Grapevine twigs form the circular base, then it is filled in with deep green wild salal leaves, orange dyed wheat and preserved, hay green colored tapestry millet. Then, it is accented and brightened with lotus pods, faux shiny berries and three ornamental, tiny pumpkins.  The burlap ribbon finishes this beauty with a neatly tied up bow.

Happy October!  Happy Harvest!  

Y2 – Day 290 – Silver Dollars

A blast from the past occurred yesterday as I walked in the woods by Lake Gregory.  I came across some Silver Dollars.  No, not real coins, but close.

When I was growing up on Long Island, these were a common plant in our clump of forest behind our home.  Imagine my excitement and pleasure as I laid eyes on a childhood memory on a CA mountain trail.

Lunaria Annua or Money Plant was a frequent visitor in my ‘back east’ life.  Growing like a weed, from mid to late summer, the Silver Dollar plant gives forth a fushia or purplish four petaled flower at the end of its two-three foot stem.  As the flower turns into a pod, it is encased in a flat, silvery, paper thin disc in the fall.  It is easy to see why the Pilgrims who brought it over on the Mayflower called it the Silver Dollar.A clump in its natural habitat.I found the Money Plant stash and lottery!!An extreme close up of a twig from a Silver Dollar plant that was broken and blown away, exactly like the seeds are sown.

Y2 – Day 289 – Lake Gregory

After spending one hour strolling around Lake Gregory, sandwiched between Crestline and Twin Peaks, we (Cindi and I) are hungry and feeling refreshed, renewed and restored, resting comfortably in our Treehouse. The attraction of Lake Gregory vs. Lake Arrowhead is the non-commercial and non-built up feel of this natural lake.  There are no docks, no boats allowed except kayaks and anyone can bring a fishing pole and linger by the shore.  Luckily, we are equidistant to both and have our pick of blue water, depending on our mood.

We brought some duck food and stayed close to shore so we could feed the fowl.  Two or three mallards got flustered as I threw pellets into the shallow water and flapped their wings angrily at each other, putting on a great show for us.  Around midway, we returned via the high trail inside the woods that encircle the lake like a ring of green.  When we arrived at 9am, I needed my jacket but soon the movement of walking and the sun warming the earth had me peeling it off, pockets full of keys, treats, phone and duck food.  I tied my black jacket around my waist and we moseyed along the paths ever so slowly and happily, just me and my dog. Cindi watching the action from the dappled shore.

Y2 – Day 288 – Agave

The agave species is native to the Southwest and does well in our climate, especially once established (first year usually).  Considering the drought reports and arid area we live in, it would be wise to consider replacing any plants that are not flourishing with native, Mediterranean and/or succulent varieties.  Moving towards a low-water garden does not doom you to a boring landscape.  Au contraire, mon amie. Cacti, succulents, California hardy types, ornamental grasses, yuccas and herbs from exotic locations can still bring in  colors, variegations and possibly even more drama and texture than you ever expected from an environmentally and socially conscious tableau.  Water-wise or dry gardening can become a wonderland of interest with stepping stones, pebbles of different colors and sizes (from gravel to blue grey river stone), water features such as bird baths, fountains and streams as well as interspersed with statues, boulders and a myriad of garden art.

On our walks we comment and discuss the seasons, the scenery and nature as it changes.  J took this picture of a flowering Mexican agave bracteosa in someone’s established front yard.  Flowers can take up to 10 years to appear and can signal the end of life for an agave but undoubtedly young off shoots are gathered all around the Mother plant and are ready to transplant or remain in place.

Y2 – Day 287 – Passion

“Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up.” – Marilyn Greist

You may have an ideal, a hunger or a dream but putting it into place and the logistics of reaching your great, new heights of success may be off-putting and lengthy and complicated.  Do not despair.  If it is meant to be, consistent steps taken towards your goal  (even if it feels like you are going around in circles), is all that you need to proceed.

When your enthusiasm matches your zeal, your energy will vibrate on a higher level.

Go with confidence and slay the dragons.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal.  It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Y2 – Day 286 – All Worlds

I have the pleasure of sharing this world of words and wisdom and warm-heartedness with some wonderful, intelligent and interesting humans, living and deceased.  Some are Hindi, some are Christian, some are Jewish, some are Buddhist, some are non-denominational, some are Toltec, some are Islamic, etc… I have always loved to read, explore and glean pearls of positive thoughts from wherever.  Truisms need no explanation, you just know.

Heard the other day on Joel Osteen radio, “Use your words not to describe but to change your life.” and I thought about the power of affirmations.

Whatever walk of life or state of mind you are in, try using affirmations out loud to aide you in moving forward.  Repeat till you not only believe it but you visualize and achieve it.  The power of positive thinking with good intentions and letting go of the outcome is a tried and true tool used by inventors, geniuses, musicians, artists, etc.  Do not be discouraged.  Occasionally, things look different but have the same desired effect.  Sometimes, you are NOT supposed to get what you think you want because it is not the best thing for you, so trust the Universe.  Or, the timing is wrong or you are not ready yet.

Here and there, the connection is strong, the galaxies are aligned and you are more than ready for it.  On Thursday night, I was officially invited to be part of the faculty at the Art of Life Institute.  Although my trajectory seems to be quick, the behind the scenes making of this scenario was a long time coming.  I will be teaching an Introductory class on the Chakras in November, with a series of Master classes to follow and host a Sound Healing event possibly in January.

I am grateful to be a part of this visionary and talented group, whom I learn from.

Expanding our world, validating our truth and trusting in the unseen yet sensed is what metaphysics is all about.

Y2 – Day 285 – Happy Pumpkin!

Orange Pumpkin time.  This vegetable is a member of the squash family and weighs @ 40 pounds. Insane.  My husband thought it was a keeper and brought it home.  

The sweeter pumpkins are actually the squatter ones.  It is fairly simple to prepare to eat.  Cut the squash with a strong and sharp knife into large pieces.  Scrape the seeds out and rinse in a colander.  Be sure to dislodge all the stringy strands away from the seeds.  Toss the seeds with some olive oil, spices of your choice and salt.  Spread evenly and thinly onto a cookie sheet.  Bake for 15-20 minutes at low heat, @ 250 or until crunchy and golden.  This is a great snack and keeps well.  

The squash meat can be boiled or steamed until tender.  Then, when cool, remove the skin and use in all of your fall recipes.  You can even freeze it for @ one month.  

Try pumpkin ice cream or custard.  Pumpkin bread or pie.  Replace 1/2 mashed potato recipe with smashed pumpkin.  Add to soups or whir in blender with veggie broth for a sublime, creamy, hearty soup.  Use your imagination!

Y2 – Day 284 – Get Ready for Retrograde

About three (sometimes four) times a year, we go through Mercury in Retrograde according to Astrology.  The backward movement of the planet’s course is actually an illusion but it still affects our planet.  Be wary of miscommunication or misinterpretations during this time.  It is a time when things may break down, like your car, appliances, electronics, etc… Therefore, it is a great time to use your positive affirmations, repair anything, re-visit any unfinished business and make plans getting to events and appointments earlier (just in case).

Saturday, October 4 – Saturday, Oct. 25th will be the direct retrograde however, there is pre- and post- shadowing that happens about one week before and after too.

We have been advised in our Metaphysical classes to write down goals, actions and events we want to walk through without too much turmoil before Saturday.  This allows us to prepare and remind us plus send the energy of intention for all to go smoothly, to the Universe.  Even if you think this is baloney, it doesn’t hurt to write down what you want to accomplish and need to attend to in the next few weeks.

It is a great time to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you anymore and it is a superb time to lose weight.  It is also ideal for self-reflection and meditation.  This is good.

My lists consist of three categories:

1. Aspirations      2. Incomplete Projects     3. Trips, Occasions and Rituals

Since Mercury in Retrograde can mess up communications, time and business dealings, I made sure to look through my calendar and simply jot down what I intend on accomplishing in the next three weeks or so.  Probably re-confirming times and places is a  smart thing anytime of the year, anyway.

I also checked my itinerary and all events and wrote this out.

Finally, I have one billion gazillion ideas I could be completing or re-thinking.  What an intelligent way to get me to complete projects.  De-cluttering comes to mind immediately.  Finishing up half-read books is also on my list.  As well as, all the fixing or altering I have been putting off.

It sounds about right that about three to four times a year, we need to re-evaluate and review our lives and have extra awareness of our words and behavior.  We might encounter delays or upsets however our responses will determine the amount of drama we invite into our days.  Let’s look for the good!

Can you clue me in we are just in Mercury Retrograde when no one gets me, understands me or things don’t go my way?  And, I will be happy to refresh your memory  – when I am late calling or meeting up with you, in return.