day 273 – Daily Bread

The last two days have been atypical of my summer eating habits.  I have been eating very clean and well but this weekend was an exception, and I am paying for it.  I made some unhealthful choices and regret it.  I ate mindlessly.  It didn’t help to have my daughter V make her famous homemade chocolate croissants (from scratch), a delectable caramelized onion and brie quiche (from scratch) and organic carrot loaf (from scratch).  All these were healthful but sooooo incredible that I ate too much.  Then add an evening out on the town, a birthday party/bar b q and you have a ‘recipe’ for disaster.

Here’s a look at what a typical day this summer looks like when I am thinking clearly, cleanly and lovingly.  May I return to my good senses.

Breakfast:Organic egg over easy with 1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil, heirloom zebra tomatoes from the garden and organic raw onion rings (dehydrated) with a cup of organic coffee and organic coconut milk.

Lunch:Pasta with organic tomato sauce, basil, garlic and parmesan.  Followed by some fruit with yogurt or coconut milk… or organic raw nuts with raw chocolate.

Organic decaf coffee and water, Perrier or tea throughout the day.

Dinner:Wild caught shrimp sauteed with organic garlic and onion in olive oil with homemade garden pesto and drizzled with fresh lemon juice, freshly picked and squeezed.  Dessert: Fruit with nuts or organic raw coconut meat.

Some of my poor decisions this weekend could not be helped because of location, temptation or just plain flirtation with past habits.  Why would I ever stray again? Eating standing up, choosing diet soda over water, noshing without tasting and multitasking, over indulging in sugar and not having a back up plan when not in my own kitchen will not be re visited any time soon.

My body loves organic food, eaten meditatively without stress and served pleasantly in appropriate portions.  It’s good to be validated by my own body.

day 272 – Fair

Tomorrow – August 11 is the last day of the OC Fair.  Said goodbye Thursday night.  But you still have time if you are in town!!  If not, these are the things to look forward to for next year (you would think I was getting paid for this free advertising).  Seriously, I was really impressed this year. ALL the vegetables were ripened or on the vine ripening at the same time during the 23 days duration of the fair for the first time during the history of the fair due to over 50 years of coordinating and refining the timing for vast numbers of plants.  This is just some of what the fair has to offer:Concerts under the stars – Hall and Oates played just last Thursday night  – every concert ticket gets you free entry into the fair all day, anytime of day.

Live farm animals and their young – these were seven days old – the sow birthed eleven piglets – wowow!

Plants, crafts, gardens, tablescaping, floral arranging, product booths, food!!!Did I mention rides, carnival games and lots of stages with entertainment?

Seeya next year, OC fair!!!

day 271 – Affirm for the Infirm

Today I am feeling just a bit under the weather.  Little sleep, late night, sniffles, bad shoulder pain and general weepiness.  Made lots of calls, drank Emergen-C, took two ibuprofens, received much communication and I am on the mend because I am regrouping, re affirming, reaching out and resting.  The Universe has been generous with its healing, sending me angels and speaking through them.  I heard some great stuff today I needed to hear.  From stressed to blessed.

I move forward in life with joy and with ease.

I love and approve of myself.

I choose to allow all my experiences to be joyous and loving.

I live in an attitude of gratitude.

Blessed be the day.

day 270 – Garden Salad

I worked in my garden today after walking with my buddy and harvested more bounty for an impromptu salad for lunch. First, I weeded, I watered and I lavished attention.  Then, once in the kitchen,  I plucked, washed and prepared squash blossoms, raw corn kernels, two types of tomatoes, swiss chard, kale, basil and a lemon from our backyard.  Avocado, courtesy of my neighbor.  Radishes, organic from Mother’s.  I carved out the meat of the avocado, squeezed the lemon juice, picked the leaves and chopped up the basil and blossoms.  Then, I added freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano from Italy, raw organic olive oil and Cecilia’s sea salt mix.  Once tossed, I sat down outside, contemplating my garden as I overlooked it from my patio, and ate the fresh generosity from Mother Earth with care and attention to every nuance of texture, flavor and complexity in my bowl.  I observed butterflies, dragonflies, a diversity of birds and watched the breeze sweep my CA pepper tree’s softly hanging branches like it was blowing the feathers on a boa.  Light and gentle.   My fountain trickled behind me.

I WAS in prayer, I WAS in the moment and I WAS one with.


Nature, music and food restores me, inspires me and fills me with gratitude.

Love abounds.  Beauty is prolific.

The perfect dessert?  A slice of raw, organic cheddar cheese with an organic, juicy, fuzzy summer peach and a cup of organic rose hip tea.

Blissed out with Blessings

day 269 – Peppermint

As I sip my peppermint tea, I capture brisk, sweet flavor and follow the liquid to my digestive track in a meditative state (eyes closed) and fathom the healing power of herbs.

Rats and pesky ants despise peppermint.  It was used as far back as the Middle Ages to deter rodents from stored grain and cheese.  Seldom have I observed ants crawling anywhere near peppermint and the essential oil placed in tiny openings is a natural deterrent.

Peppermint contains a high dosage of menthol.  Steeped as a tea, this leaf encourages digestion, soothes tummies and can even relieve nausea.

Steep one teaspoon of dried leaves or 1-2 tablespoons of fresh leaves, covered, for @ 5 minutes, in one cup of hot water.  Hot peppermint tea will cool you down in the summer or during a hot flash.  It stimulates certain nerves below the skin that respond to coolness.  It also chillls you topically, on your skin.  Splash some tea onto your skin after cleansing or spritz throughout a hot summer day to stay fresh.

Peppermint spreads quickly planted in your yard and takes over wherever you plant it so I advise you to keep it in a container or let it roam in an area where you feel a need for greenery.

In cooking, it balances spicy foods in Middle Eastern, African, Indian and Asian cuisines.  It harmonizes well with either sweet or savory, fiery dishes.

Play with making tea by combining peppermint with rosemary, Chinese star anise, lavender, rose buds or lemon peel.  Sweeten with honey, stevia or organic coconut sugar and sip warm or serve over ice.  Cyclists from the Tour de France swear by mint and rosemary tea as a stimulant ( and it doesn’t disqualify you from racing).

Here’s an interesting recipe that is simple and easy.  Don’t let the 12 ingredients fool you.  Read it through.  Feel free to substitute with whatever grain or dried fruit you have.  The nuts are optional.  I love raw organic walnuts, chopped, in almost everything.  The key is the flavor profile and the use of your fresh mint from the garden in a healthful and novel way.  Expand and elevate your repertoire tonight!

Exotic Brown Basmati Rice

 Makes 4 servings as a side or feeds 2 hungry vegetarians

2 tablespoons of olive oil or a combination of 1 tbs. oil/1 tbs. butter

1 large onion, finely chopped (about 1 – 1 1/2 cup)

1 garlic clove, minced

1 large tomato, chopped or ½ – 3/4 cup stewed tomato

2 – 3 tablespoons raisins or other dried fruit without sulfites

½ cup cooked garbanzos

½ teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon crushed saffron

½ teaspoon turmeric

2 cups cooked rice

5-6 tablespoons of chopped fresh peppermint

Optional:   2- 3 tablespoons of chopped nuts, preferably raw and and/or organic

Heat the oil over medium heat in a pan and sauté the onion and garlic @ 5 minutes.  Add the tomato, dried fruit, chick peas, and spices.  Cook for @ 5 minutes, covered.  Remove from heat.  Toss the rice, fragrant and exotic sauce and fresh mint and choice of nuts together in a medium bowl to combine.  Serve warm or at room temp as a side or atop organic baby greens for a summertime salad!!  Buen Provecho!

day 268 – Angels

Did you know the Metrolink has an Angel car?  My daughter rode in the above accomodations on her way into the Anaheim Station from L.A. a couple of weekends ago.

She could see me waving frantically because I knew she was on the special Angel car, but I just saw tinted out windows.  The cutest thing about this incident and picture is that she got off at Anaheim station which is directly across and basically in the same parking lot as  Angel Stadium. I didn’t even know this special car even existed.  Is that our pitcher Weaver?  Unfortunately, we are having a troubled and disappointing season here in Angel land and the Halos’ performance is unreliable and problematic.

But the spirit and pride of our baseball team lives on for all to see on the commuter train.   Trains transport and connect us to various destinations on the rails.  Now, it seems, they also inspire and cheer-up stations, waiting family and its travelers with its painted wagons.

day 267 – Lemons

What to do with a bounty of lemons?  Make Lemonade.  Bake Lemon Cookies or Lemon Cake.  Preserved Lemons.  Honey Lemon.  Lemon Zest. Lemon and Mint Ice or Sherbet and Lemon Chiffon Pie.  Roast Chicken and Vegetables with Lemons, Onions, Rosemary and Garlic.  Lemon and Lavender go well.  Lemon and Sugar and Vanilla go great.  Lemon and Rosemary marry well.  Lemon, Basil and Parmesan tastes divine. Lemon and Fish is a classic.  Lemon, Olives, Oregano and Feta is summer in the Mediterranean. The only thing that I can think of that does not go well with Lemons is Milk.  But then again, there is Buttermilk.  

day 265 – props to my son

I don’t understand computer language, in fact, I took a DOS or whatever class back in the early 80’s and failed, miserably.  The only class I ever failed.  I withdrew or took an incomplete for some courses, but never out right failed one, except Intro to Computers.  I loved, loved, loved Apple for installing a PC in every classroom when I was teaching in CA and supplying me with Broderbund programs – my introduction to user friendly disks.  Then came the Internet, e-mail, etc…But, I never learned computer languages or had any desire to revisit that abyss. Kind of like learning about my car motor and its parts, just give me the key.

My son has been working tediously on some secret project I still cannot decode for Amazon and yesterday it was launched public.  He is the sole author. Supposedly it is a system or avenue (what do I know?) that helps others that live in the computer literate world with Amazon Web Services or AWS and SWF simple work flow within some sort of framework. Now I am talking nonsense.  It has something to do with Ruby Gems.  I know I sound ignorant to my kid, right now, but I am proud anyway.  I still get it.  It’s a huge deal.

Of course, part of the call to our house was to warn me not to comment in the professional  area like ” so proud of you, son” or ” my son who wrote this is and has always been a genius!” or any other some such crazy mommy thing I might type in the box and post.  Fortunately, he did admonish me.

But he has no jurisdiction over this blog he gifted me with.  Kudos, Congrats and “Thatta boy” to my son.

day 264 – Opportunities to Read

Reading is a pleasure and it sustains me.  It may be different for you.  It is an activity for me.  It also feeds me.  Maybe you find joy in running or exercise or music or art.  My contentment comes from reading and when I don’t have time for my favorite pastime, I make it.

I waited in the Kaiser lounge at Lakeview yesterday while my daughter had her private exit exam with her primary doctor before going off to college.  I read my new Lavender recipe book my BFF thoughtfully gifted me for my birthday.

I “watch” baseball on TV with my husband and read magazines or trashy periodicals.  I used to bring a full on book to read when we had season tickets to Angel Stadium.  You cannot do that with hockey.

I read in the bathroom.  Doesn’t everyone have at least one shelf or basket of articles, magazines or entertaining literature in their commode area?  In my private bathroom I share with hubby, I have a series of inspirational daily meditations.  I get a spiritual boost every morning.

I read in bed.  Stacks of books line up below and beside me.  Pens, pencils, highlighters and sticky flags to mark important pages grace my 20” round glass-topped nightstand – crowded by a beaded reading lamp and a precious sunrise light/Zen music alarm clock.  Naturally, I own a clip on reading LED light so as not to bother my evening companion.

I read in the car when I’m a passenger.  I used to love the train or bus commutes when I was younger and took mass transportation.  I could read and alternate looking out the window or watching people.

I take a book with me wherever I go.  From experience I know I might be on a line somewhere and wonder ‘why didn’t I bring my book?’  At the bank, Disneyland, auto repair shop or doctor appointment for example.

I read outside.  I love to curl up on a balcony, patio or garden bench and read.  I speculate, I dream and I observe.  I never go on vacation, an overnight jaunt or to the beach without a good book (or two) in hand.  I used to spend my teenage summers just lolling around for hours on Long Island rocky beaches, reading.

I read on airplanes.  Before boarding, I get a lot of reading done waiting at my gate. Mostly prayers once we are in the air, flying.

I read when I eat alone.  I am loving the company of Oscar Wilde lately at the tree house dining table.  Meanwhile, at home in my kitchen, I catch up on newspaper entertainment, gardening, decor or travel sections.  There is nothing like reading a cookbook or a food memoir while you are dining either.

And like earlier this morning, I read when I walk alone.  I listen to books on tape/cd/download.  I have countless hours trekked by feet, accompanied by countless books I have in print form as well.  I am an aural learner too and certain voices resonate with me.

Listening to the author of the book or even an actor or actress you like the sound of enhances and helps you experience or envision your read.  When I listen to The Four Agreements, I hear Peter Coyote.  When I read The Four Agreements, I hear his melodic, baritone voice.

Pema Chodron has a soft, gentle and intelligent, pensive voice.  Her cadence and pitch helps you understand complicated Buddhist teachings.  I hear her voice when I go back to reread some volume of hers.  The same is true of many others.

The opposite is true too.  I hate Echart Tolle’s droll, boring, energy sapping voice – so I stick to just the printed page with him.

And of course, I have been known to spend endless hours in libraries, used and regular bookstores, sampling, tasting and reviewing possible good reads.  Plus, nowadays, I also have the computer, online reading and electronic books to consume.

I suppose if you are obsessed, you do what you are obsessed with every chance you get.  Good thing I’m not obsessed with food.