day 181 – On being a MOM – 1 day to go till Mother’s Day

What does it mean to be a MOM? 

To have and hold and document the dear moments of childhood in order to remind, reminisce or give your offspring a glimpse of themselves as their authentic selves.  As they grow, change and morph into the potential PLUS what you saw in them when they were tiny tykes, you remember what it took, what was happening in history and how you helped or hindered them. 

My kids have far exceeded any puny expectations I could have ever foreseen for them.  I was incapable of foretelling the future world as it looks today, with computers in the palms of your hands, communicating your image around the world in real time and the political, environmental and social events that in some way define all of us – seemingly spinning out of our control.  Each of our cherubs has developed in his or her surroundings and moment in time, at their own pace, and with their own perspective, philosophy and baggage.

It’s been enjoyable and gratifying to witness their birth, watch them feed themselves, crawl, stand-up, walk, smile, splash, test limits, speak, poke, touch absolutely everything, say “no” and “why” all day long, investigate and explore with curiosity, using all five senses, to this very day. 

They say, Energy flows where Awareness goes.  A mom, by definition, is sensory glued and mesmerized by her offspring.

Inquisitiveness, Beauty and Innocence.  What a ride and an experience it is to be a part of a child’s life.  What a bonus to see them expand into amazing human beings on this planet.  Still probing, questioning, attractive but not so naïve.  Yet, still angelic –  to us moms, in our heart of hearts.

I once held my babies, smelled their cherished newness, touched their soft, translucent newborn skin and heard their communicative cries as well as their shifting movements in the crib and the nuance of their breathing.    I listened with delight as they cooed and swapped at the makeshift mobile on our kitchen counter, took them into the bathroom with me in their baby seats, snuck in at naptime and nighttime to make sure they were sleeping on their backs or sides and still respiring from their bellies and never left their sight or sound.  I bathed and changed them.  I swung them for endless hours and belted them into safety on every drive. I let them play with cat food cans, empty boxes and Tupperware inside a huge bottom kitchen drawer.  I observed them in awe and praised them.  I took them everywhere and I was lost when they stayed home with daddy, the few times I dared leave their adorable presence.

And now, to look on as they take off and fly from the nest with such stamina, grace and eagerness!!!!!! What did I do right?

I wish our young adults the best and thank you for allowing me the life experience and the priceless gift of being your MOM. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms.


day 180 – On being a MOM – 2 days left till Mother’s Day

The pride and joy of having three kids who get along, (mostly) and are relatively close, I believe says mountains about their upbringing and maturity levels.  Not that all that was gained or learned was achieved happily in la la land.  They sometimes needed to cling to each other in order to get through some major life moments, so it was circumstance -not necessarily my great parenting that probably contributed to their individuality as well as their intimacy.

I believe their hearts and minds are always in the right place.  As they grow into themselves, I sense it more and more.

Each of our children are unique, talented and ‘beyond words’ precious to us.

All three of them are big-hearted, generous and caring.  That’s what stands out and is at the forefront for me.

All three of them are cordial, good-looking and witty.  That’s what you notice first.

All three, are high achievers, successful and super smart.  That’s what you learn once you’ve engaged in conversation with them.

All three, are grateful, loyal, kind and thoughtful.  That’s what you understand when you befriend them.

All three, are laser-focused yet open and wise enough to see the big picture.  That’s what makes them our future.


day 179 – On being a MOM – 3 days till Mother’s Day

My kids have taught, inspired and made me a MOM.

My husband’s support, listening skills and guidance have made me a better equipped MOM.

My village of friends, family,professionals and acquaintances I met, needed and relied on have made it possible to raise our children and be a wiser, saner and perceptive MOM.

Now that our offspring are 23, almost 20 and 17, I can say with a fair amount of certainty, I know where they are headed.  Of course, you never know, but so far so good and they seem to have a pretty good start.  Certainly better emotionally and mentally prepared than I ever was at their respective ages.

day 178 – What’s in the news today?

Jodi Arias? Guilty, first degree.

Sentence? Tomorrow.

Ducks vs. Red wings? We shall see… tonight!!  Game 5.  Yea!! Will be there cheering!

Fabulous children? Three.

Harvest from the garden? Homegrown red onions with thick green tops.

AP exam? Calculus

Menu? Organic

Generous, amazing and handsome husband? Lucky me.

Loads of laundry washed and folded? Four.

Best early mother’s day gift from V? Our two hour chat and thoughtful gift.

Freshly harvested on May 8, 2013

day 177 – Inspiration

Dogwood in the woods May 2013

Become aware of who you are – Body, Mind and Spirit – by spending some time with  the person you need to love the most…yourself.

Talk to yourself, write to yourself, communicate and listen to yourself.

Do something you’ve always wanted to do.

Affirmation:  I am a person of worth and value, therefore I hold myself in high esteem.

day 176 – Oregano

Continuing with the Herb theme:

To me, oregano speaks of Italian or Greek culinary delights.  Pizza sauce or a Greek salad wouldn’t taste the same.  The distinct peppery green flavor of oregano can usually be substituted with marjoram but otherwise it has no equal.

The name ‘oregano’ comes from the Greek for “joy of the mountain.”  Early Greeks allowed their domestic animals to feed on wild oregano to make the meat tastier.  Ancient herbalists used oregano in tea form to aid with coughs, digestion and even treat insect bites.

Because our climate is similar to this Mediterranean native, we can easily grow it here without much watering once established.  There are over fifty types of oregano and I have a Greek variety with dark green, velvety leaves and a variegated species with yellow-green leaves and white markings.  Oregano tends to spread and can take over, so it makes a sensible and scented ground cover, perfect for stony paths, steps or gracefully spilling over in rock gardens.

Snip off long stems and dry upside down in your kitchen and you will have dry oregano all the time.  One tablespoon of minced fresh oregano=one teaspoon dried, crumbled oregano.  I store mine in washed out, sterilized, recycled glass jars of other foodstuffs.

Oregano works in lots of different dishes.  Get creative.  But the tried and true partners of oregano include any tomato dish, and/or feta, mozzarella or ricotta cheeses, especially.  If you make your own garlic bread, manicotti/lasagna fillings or pizza sauce, sprinkle it on liberally.

day 175 – Beauty in the Small Things

Among the joys of this weekend, we had visitors called the White Headed Woodpecker. This type of woodpecker is only found in the North American Western pine forests from British Columbia, Canada to the mountain tops of San Diego, CA.  The extra long beak on our CA friend is specific to the species and our mountain range because of our Coulter pines ( only found in isolated locations from San Francisco to Northern Baja mountain forests).  These pinecones are humongous and deep within lie the goodies our Southern CA White Headed Woodpeckers need their beaks to be especially elongated for.  The markings of red, white and black are striking.

We spotted a large bird’s nest on one of our tree’s branches (could it have been a woodpecker’s ? or the Stellar Blue Jay’s ?)  The mastery amazes me.  This particular nest has already been inhabited and abandoned but I dare not move or touch it so our wildlife knows to come back next spring without fear of intrusion.  Privacy is well guarded here in our neck of the woods.  Isn’t that why you decide to live amongst dense forested trees?

Found an incredible piece of beautiful wood in the quarter cord of wood my husband  stacked up so nicely for me.  This art from nature will not be placed on the pyre.  The form, color and texture inspired me and I placed it on my office shelf for its sheer presence of simple patterns and precious nuance.

And, we enjoyed homespun good old fashioned delicious cheeseburgers with all the trimmings.  The best burger I have ever eaten, ever! Chez the Treehouse Chef.

day 174 – The 5th Chakra – The throat

The 5th Chakra is located inside the throat.  The chakra known as Vishuddha (sanskrit for Great Purity) governs speech, sound and hearing.  It encompasses the neck, cervical ganglia nerve, mouth, ears, respiratory system, thyroid and parathyroid glands.  It is important to note chakra 5 includes the auditory system as well as the acoustic sensations.

It IS your communication center!

Listening deeply, developing your inner voice, and expressing your creative, authentic self are all aspects of this energy center.

Most often, the colors associated with Vishuddha are light blue, sky blue and aqua.  Aquamarine, Blue Topaz and Turquoise are precious stones that resonate with the  Chakra of Language.

Move and stretch the neck and your vocal chords.  Sigh, hum and sing!!!

Great Affirmations to integrate into your Positive Self-Talk tapes:

“I express myself clearly”        and         “I have the right to be heard”

Recipe for steam inhalation bath:  This is great for nasal blockages, sinus infections, coughs, colds and sore throats.  If you are experiencing any one of these conditions, your throat chakra may be struggling to keep infections away and ask yourself what am I not saying? listening to? stifling?

1. Boil 4 cups of water and pour it into a bowl.

2. Add 10 drops of essential oil or fresh herbs (try rosemary, thyme, lavender, chamomile      or sage).

3. Put a towel over your head, close your eyes and inhale the vapor for a few minutes at a time, for up to 15 minutes.


day 173 – Conscious Awareness

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly” – Buddha

The definition of conscious presence is having that awareness of your feelings and thoughts, being aware of yourself as a thinking being; it is being intentionally awake and alive. Knowing oneself.

All spiritual, intellectual and psychological healing and paths include in some form or manner this idea.  Wisdom is born of it.  Peace is a product of it.

Affirmation:  I  consciously go about my day with ease and comfort.  I bring awareness and attention to every thought, situation and person I come across today.

See what happens……………………


day 172 – Pampered


There’s nothing like taking a cat nap, stretching as you awaken to the sound of birdies chirping or soaking in a warm and scented bubble bath.

It’s the little joys like having lunch on a balcony, reading curled up by a fire or sipping herbal tea with a friend that feed me.

I search and find time to escape to my tree house, breathe in the scent of blossoms and chat or text with my children.

I realize I live a charmed life.  I am provided for, encouraged and nourished.  I am grateful beyond words.


There’s nothing like taking a walk by the shore, releasing tension as you cry under the streaming, steaming shower or collecting shells, stones or pinecones on a stroll.

It’s the small celebrations like smiles, courtesies and embraces that soothe me.

I seek and take time to play in my garden, smooth lotion on my skin and prepare creative dishes.

I sense many angels watch over me.  I am never alone, bored or impoverished.  I appreciate this wonderful world.


There’s nothing like cycling downhill on your bike with the wind rushing through your hair, dining out with a loved one or traipsing through a museum and having the time to read every bio that interests you.

It’s the tiny details like my children’s’ or husband’s voice, a lemonade brought to me poolside or striking a match to light a fragrant candle that caress me.

I root out and make time to visit with friends, get a massage and go to a musical.

I admit I have a lot to be thankful for. I grow, reach out and cry too.  I feel blessed to be alive.