Y4 -Day 70 – Daily Spiritual

Happy Sunday! Off to brunch with girls, dogs and rest of family – we are going to sooooo miss M and J and H.

And in continuation of yesterday’s Karma musings:

Reach out to others with love and compassion and don’t be concerned with what comes back to you.

We are stewards of this planet.

It is a privilege to be born and have life. Embrace it and live consciously. Hurt no one and learn your lessons well. 

Step into timelessness or be swallowed by time.


Y4 – Day 69 – Karma

Emotionally charged moments are an opportunity to shed your Karma through forgiveness.

You are perfect as you are just now at this moment where you are but the purpose of your life is to be of service and to alleviate suffering.

Celebrate your physical life by being your best spiritual self and have the courage and the wisdom to step into your destiny.

Less ego self, more giving of self because True generosity is invisible.

You are already where you want to be, simply experience it, now.

Reshape your life intentionally with the affirmation of your presence. It is elegantly simple. Just be you.

Make every moment rich, deep, extraordinary and exciting.

Love dissolves fear.



Y4 – Day 67 – Character Sketch

Lori has medium length, blond dyed, wavy hair that cascades off the crown of her head as if she had coaxed it into soft, loose locks. But the first thing you notice about her after you get past her glorious mane, is her beaming blue eyes that penetrate you with their steadiness and her luscious, painted, well formed pouty lips. Her eyes are evenly spaced and framed by accented lashes dipped in a mahogany stain. Her nose is romanesque and looks classic, perfect in its shape and placement. In short, she has a proportioned facade in the most pleasing of dimensions and colors.

Lori is taller than average and of normal weight. She wears her everyday clothes, jeans and t shirts, with genuine panache without having a clue why everyone stares at her.

Lori’s voice carries questions with its tilted up pitch. She speaks slow and with a sing song cadence like a Southern drawl. She frequently self examines herself out loud and you wonder who is she talking to? This is quaint and inviting without being the least bit annoying because her tone comes off so serious, as if she was chatting with her imaginary friend, once upon a time, in childhood.

Lori said once that she felt like she had two people living inside her, her evil twin Gretchen and the good and wonderful Lori, the angelic being she portrays to the world. When she feels her behavior is off-putting, irresponsible or hurtful to others, she blames the witchy woman, Gretchen.

Lori’s grandmother on her dad’s side was named Gretchen. She was indeed difficult to love. But Lori also inherited her mother’s kindness, loyal qualities, true heart and virtuous conscience.

Lori is a combination and balance of her yin and yang like we all are. Her weaknesses have become her strengths through solid therapy, self awareness, improvement exercises and other healing modalities. She is whole and confident.

That’s why it was out of the ordinary when……..

You want more? Let me know.



Y4 – Day 66 – Goals

What are your top 10 goals? Which of these brings you the biggest reward for the investment of your time and energy?

I read once that success = external action + internal focus.

I heard “success is doing the right thing at the right time” on Downton Abbey.

Change your radio station from Discouragement to Empowerment. Tune into your Potential.

Y4 – Day 65 – Limited Thoughts and Paradigm Shifts

What’s running your life? You or your limitations?

It is a process to shift from a limiting to an empowering perception of yourself. Just switch the focus to beliefs that lead to where you want to go.

Instead of ” I am overwhelmed and too short on time” repeating in your head, listen to your new paradigm and belief, ” Every task is easy and enjoyable. I have all the time I need to accomplish whatever I want or need to get done.” And, then, let it go at that.

Instead of ” I have no time to work out and no motivation” turn it around to ” I deserve a healthy body. I get great satisfaction from getting slim and toned with exercise.”

Instead of ” This place is always cluttered ” change it to ” I am neat and organized.”

Instead of ” I am not good enough” know in your inner being that ” I have a lot to give.”

 Stopping yourself when you hear negativity in your brain, erasing it and affirming the opposite is just another tool to better mental and over all health.

Hope this helps someone.

Y4 – Day 64 – Accomplishments

What have been your accomplishments or successes up till now?

While complaining to trainer J about how much I had to do, which leads me to a frenzied overwhelm state, she asked me how much I had already done that day. Unbelievably, I had tackled lots of little small tasks by noon. thank you J  That raised my spirits and gave me confidence.

So, why don’t I write down everything I do get done instead of beating myself up for not making it through my to do list which is in reality probably a week’s worth of errands, jobs and duties? Some of the work is self made, like finishing a paint project or cleaning up my own disarray of flung clothes in the bedroom. But some of it is common chores, like laundry, dishes and the every day care of pets.

Just to live life in the context of gratitude instead of whining or complaining is an accomplishment. If I am good to myself, get to paint my toes or enrich my mind, well, that’s just a crazy good day!

Y4 – Day 63 – Happy Birthday ML!!

Happy Birthday to one of the cheeriest people on the planet! Your zest for life and your many ideas and creativity were the first energies that attracted me to you!!

Super open! Full of solution and positive linings! Kind, Loving and Helpful!

Truly a growing relationship that helped me grow up! Thank You!

Y4 – Day 62 – Belief

What do you believe in? If your beliefs are limited then you are enclosing yourself in a box.

Make a list of your beliefs. I just found my list from 2004. I have changed many of my old ideas but the essence of goodness has always been there as a core theme. Some of my prior thoughts I have completely turned 180 degrees like thinking all minimalist and ultramodern art is pretentious. I kind of like free forms and abstract more these days. Some of my thinking I have actually delved into, like investigating the supernatural, in order to cement my convictions.

Here are a few concepts I still strongly trust in:

Miracles * Love * Hope *

Change is inevitable * Life is Unpredictable *

I can change, evolve, better myself and mature wisely * I can help and guide others * Flexibility in mind and body

Gardening, Art, Reading, Writing, Music and Cooking are Therapeutic for me.

Manners * Class * Style

Friends * Kindred Spirits * Soulmates

The Soul * Nature * Beauty

I have a lot to work on because It Is a Journey, not a destination.

Volunteering and Generosity is a gift you give to yourself and is a win-win.

HOW* – Honesty, Openness and Willingness is HOW I can transform.

What would I add in 2016, a dozen years later?

Compassion and Kindness are not weaknesses. * It takes Courage to move forward. * Being Content does not mean complacency. * Self-love is not about being conceited or cocky. * Awareness and Forgiveness of Self leads to Acceptance of others.* I can live life or just exist.* The Universe is ultimately good. * Joy * Meditation * Prayer * Eastern Philosophy * Hugs * Intuition* Letting Go is a Grief Process I can Survive*

And, what would I like to believe in for the future?

I can do anything. * I am capable, competent and consistently disciplined.*