What have been your accomplishments or successes up till now?
While complaining to trainer J about how much I had to do, which leads me to a frenzied overwhelm state, she asked me how much I had already done that day. Unbelievably, I had tackled lots of little small tasks by noon. thank you J That raised my spirits and gave me confidence.
So, why don’t I write down everything I do get done instead of beating myself up for not making it through my to do list which is in reality probably a week’s worth of errands, jobs and duties? Some of the work is self made, like finishing a paint project or cleaning up my own disarray of flung clothes in the bedroom. But some of it is common chores, like laundry, dishes and the every day care of pets.
Just to live life in the context of gratitude instead of whining or complaining is an accomplishment. If I am good to myself, get to paint my toes or enrich my mind, well, that’s just a crazy good day!