Day 160- never hold back

If people’s priorities shifted from being stupefied by daily tasks, technologies and distractions to telling their loved ones all day long how they truly felt and cared for them, this world would change.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

People would speak less, watch less and behave less nonsensely.  We would observe, watch and linger.

I know I have recently been conscious of an earnestness in me to appreciate everything, every view of nature and every word or gesture in every moment of time.

I am awake.

And, this is how I will live my life from now on. I will still clean, run errands, groom myself, watch tv, go to appointments and do modern life, but I will attach a certain importance, I will see clearly the significance and masticate slowly on every event with gratitude.

I remain awake

day 159 – Acceptance

Coming to terms with reality, not as I want it, but as it is.

Acceptance, a place I fight to get to, but relax when I am there.

The need to control is replaced by the reality check that I am not in control, I do not understand and I must deal with it anyway.

Acceptance does not mean I approve, comprehend or tolerate.

Acceptance means I flow with life and I am full of grace.

It may hurt before, during and after, but acceptance is a spiritual compass due north and a mystical thermometer of how I am living life as it unfolds and presents itself.

day 158 -sound healing

From time immemorial mommy’s have hummed, rocked and sang to their babies to soothe and calm them down.  And just as there are sounds and music that jar your nerves (think scratch on blackboard), excites you , energizes you (like maybe techno/disco), even scares you (remember JAWS?)…there are also melodies, sounds and tunes that soothe, honor your soul and resonate with your inner harmony of breath and stillness.

For thousands of years, the primordial sound of drums, tapping, gongs, tibetan bowls, timshas, chimes and bells have been used to bring the meditator deeper into their internal music –  the breath.  These healing sounds have been used for centuries to open, release and balance our energetic centers, the chakras.  These simple tools of sound reverberate with pleasant and high frequency sound waves into our bodily liquids ten times faster than they do in air.

LISTEN – don’t just hear – really listen to your breath and the healing sounds of music that  glide and guide you through your daily movements synchronized with your breath.   Bring healing moments to your day by listening to creative beautiful melodies, anything that resonates with you.    Make sound a mindful meditation of wellness, awareness and unity of self by breathing it into your body and incorporating it into your life.

day 157 – Grief

Elizabeth Kubler Ross studied terminally ill patients and came up with the Five Stages of Grief.  In her book, On Death and Dying, she details her research and findings.  This model can be used for any significant loss.  The end of a relationship, empty nesting, being fired as well as tragedies, disasters or chronic pain are all changes with ends, we may suffer.

But she specifically categorizes  “the 5 stages” for the theme of death or a catastrophic personal loss or life event. She has been misrepresented as stating all grief follows these stages and that is not her finding necessarily.  People just like to glob onto quick answers and explanations, especially when it is an uncomfortable subject.  The non-victim can grieve but the loss belongs to the person experiencing it and the stages apply to them.

The five stages include:






What we are experiencing for the victims of Sandy Hook or the Boston Marathon is grief, sorrow, compassion and empathy.  What the parents, family and bystanders in these horrific events may have and may still be going through are the 5 stages. We hope they don’t remain in any stage for more than two years or so.

The peace comes when we are in a place of acceptance, for there is no other compassionate choice or kinder place.

day 156 – Pain

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell
that encloses your understanding.”

Kahlil Gibran

In honor of the Boston Marathon explosion sorrow and a personal sadness due to a close friend’s serious illness, I pray. I pray for all the souls, families, friends.  The shock is still new.  The pain is real.

day 155 – Spring Cleaning

Spring is about cleansing, healing and releasing negative, old and tired stagnant energy.  It’s time to introduce positive, new, clean, refreshing and renewing potential.

Externally – clearing out our environment, opening up windows and letting fresh air in.

Internally – unblocking our paths of energy, exhaling muddy thoughts, unproductive habits and barren ideas; letting go of what does not serve us anymore.

Bring in the intention of loving, nurturing and harmonious flow into your home and hearth.

Move and breathe fresh air into your body, revitalizing and purifying as you extend, pull, push, lift and flex.

Relax and align your mind with transformational attention to the journey of love, clarity and new possibilities.

Here is a recipe I would like to share that I have been using for over a decade to clean most counter tops, floors and wall surfaces. Please check first on a small inconspicuous place. It is a “green” cleanser that also saves the environment because you reuse the plastic container over and over.  I have several scents and bottles. I interchange and invent new combinations frequently.

You will need:

1 24-32 ounce spray bottle

1 1/2 cups distilled white vinegar

1 1/2 cups filtered or spring water

1 – 3 teaspoons dish soap

20- 30 drops essential oil (I recommend:tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon as a starting point)

Just Pour all ingredients into your bottle with a funnel.  Will not harm pets.  Shake well often.

day 154 – Why we moved to VP in 400 words.

I had taken over the small back lawn to grow vegetables.  All that remained now were brick planters, a patio, a huge pool and a kiddie swing set area.  We had obviously outgrown our postage stamp lot.  Considering the climate we live in, in OC, I was disheartened by the teeny, cramped outdoor space allotted to our outdoor living.

My husband and I are both from back east and we grew up in wide-open, green spaces.  I don’t much care for block walls either.  We grew up among soft hedging to divide property lines in the front yard and more private, wooden, earthy fencing around the back lots.

It is an inviting, accessible and liberal view and less divisive, closed and concrete looking than six-foot high stucco.  It just seems friendlier.

With three little ones in tow, we launched the grand search for land.  We drove to Lake Matthews and viewed the smog line from the top of two and a half acre lots, we checked out OPA with its horse friendly clientele and we visited parcels with wide street frontage.  Our budget was fixed but our dream was flexible.  Still, nothing said “home” to us.

And then one spring day, my husband saw an advertisement for a “just reduced” piece of real estate in Villa Park.  As I waited in the front yard for the realtor to arrive, it seemed all the square footage of grass and dirt was frontage.  The backyard was probably not what we were looking for (a place for me to garden, our three kids to run around in and enough lawn to throw a football for my husband).

I walked right through the interior of the house to the backyard.  I called back my husband; he threw our offspring into our van and headed over.

We stood at the furthest back point of the narrow but deep lot.  Overlooking the weedy sloped lawn, we clasped each other’s hands, looked towards the “as is” homestead and squeezed each other.  We knew this is where we must raise our children.

That was sixteen years ago this spring.  Our last chickadee is about to leave our VP nest.  Although our house and lot was in shambles, dilapidated, neglected and mistreated, we saw the potential and the charm of our own nostalgia that drew us and kept us in Villa Park.



day 153 – Mr. Handyman

I’m Chicken Little.  “The sky is falling” is a common phrase out of my mouth.  I am a bit of an alarmist; quite the worrier and I can’t watch doomsday movies.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been having issues with our pool equipment.  It’s way too complicated to relay the back and forthing with the pool man and his team.  Needless to say, they thought the best thing would be to put in a state of the art system.

Then, after weeks of a horrible noise coming out of our dishwasher, it finally broke. I have been hand-washing pots, pans, plates, glasses and flatware for the last several days.  I have dishpan hands and need lots of lotion.

While I checked on our pool levels, leaks and status yesterday, I found out our sprinkler system was not working.  The two boxes are situated side by side.

What’s next?  Now what? How much is this going to cost?

I had noticed the dirt looked dry, but I just kept thinking the sprinklers would magically come on, perhaps the next day.  I called and whined to the gardener immediately.

Well, then, in comes Mr. Wonderful with his cheery, can do attitude “don’t worry, it will all get taken care of, don’t stress.”

Lo and behold, He reset some button and the sprinklers are back on!!

Gracious me oh my, He traced the pool panel wire all the way around its trajectory and found three nicks in the wiring, spliced the wires…and voila, the system works again, saving us mucho bucks!!

I figured He was on a roll and asked him to check out the dishwasher.  Unfortunately, that truly was a broken appliance that needed to be replaced but to my amazement (and so proud) as I shopped at Best Buy, Home Depot and Sears for that perfectly priced and fitted for our kitchen look dishwasher he called to let me know as he was removing the old one that he is confident he can install the new one!!  My hero!

This man bowls me over with his capabilities, knowledge of just about everything and the patience of a saint when dealing with me, Chicken Little.



day 152 – Ode to the Tree House

Was up in the mountains with daughter L.

I love the calm; the cozy and the cuddly feel of the cabin.

I could stay for days.  But I also love the numerous hues and diverse textures of our home in VP.

At the tree house, I feel relaxed, renewed and rested at once.

My one potted plant full of tiny succulents lives on and thrives due to my neglect.

My bear and canoe lamp lights up its shade with mountain and pine tree shadows.  It sits squarely in the middle of my beloved wicker chest with glass top I have had since I moved here, back in 1986.

Alongside it, is a picture of our family from our 2011 Christmas card.  It was taken at Thanksgiving and is encased by a family of five bears’ frame.  That is our family, now extending, growing and spreading out around the country.

Behind it, is a sign I picked up at a local gift shop crafted by a local artisan and it reads “Heaven’s a little closer when you’re in Lake Arrowhead.”  How true.

And to the left, two ‘made to look like’ bark candles resting on a wave colored and shaped smallish tray, made of shelled aqua lacquer.

This little vignette speaks loudly of my affection for this place.  The mantle is another stage and attraction.  The maple-topped shelf behind the banister also shouts care.  There is conscientious, thoughtful placement of meaningful objects and handed down, highly treasured family bequests.

This is not a house to raise your kids or to have large gatherings.  This place is not a show off statement or a trendy sophisticated loft.

This abode disapproves of trouble and invites only rest.  Rest for the eyes, rest for the limbs and rest for the soul.

Without the laughter, loudness and yelling nor the banging of doors and handprints on walls associated with children, this place resounds instead with quiet contemplation, peaceful thinking and an adult hush.

Without indoor pets to ravage furniture, soil carpets or litter the kitchen floor with tidbits of food, this place beckons you to just re-adjust yourself, bathe luxuriously and eat uninterrupted.

Without the bane of a landline, garden toil or errands to run, this place is a sanctuary of “no hurry”, a pause and a respite from the usual day-to-day schedule.

Although I love raising our children, petting our cats and tending our landscape, this place offers me the solitude to process my life, view everything in a new way and return back down the hill with gratitude and a renewed, refreshing joy.

Thank you to my loving, generous and clever husband for this gift of time, place and knowing.

day 151 – Springing

It’s springing everywhere!  My daughter sent me a picture of a gigantic pink tree in full blossom back east. I believe it is a dogwood. 

NYC april 2013

The nurseries, homes and fields by my house and environs are in full “on” switch mode.  The ice plants on hills, between rocks at the beach and freeways are bursting at the seams with flourescent “take me back to the 70s” color mania.  The freesias haven’t stopped since March.

Freesia 2013

The daffodils are swarming the road paths all along the back mountain roads.  

Swaths of jonquils/daffodils along the road up in the mountains, today, April 11, 2013.

There is a profusion and explosion of color everywhere I turn to look.Caltech grounds – April 2013

 Suddenly, there is an exciting amount of activity buzzing with delight all around.  It’s springing everywhere!

 I have my enthusiasm and pure joy of bubbly living back!

It seems eating right, exercising and getting off the hormones at this time was the right thing to do, for now.