Y3 – Day 220 – Fun with E.

Looking forward to yummy Starbucks at Barnes and Noble with daughter, E then perhaps Mother’s Market for goodies.


And so we went. I had a delicious hot, decaf, venti soy latte with sugar free caramel and an icy, caramel machiatto with soy milk for E. We browsed through the racks of books, especially the ones on sale and ended up with coloring books and colored markers so we could have a little fun.

Then off to the market and got everything on the list, and then some. Yummy skewered vegan beef and chicken, lentil vegan loaf and raw dehydrated “fried” onions for lunch while catching up on an episode of our series recordings of Master Chef.

Yesterday, I made E a vegan Mac and Cheez. Her BFF C said it was even better than “real” macaroni and cheese bake.

Recipe to follow….stay tuned for tomorrow.


Y3 – Day 219 – Save the Date

On Wednesday nights I usually attend a Tao Meditation Group at Common Ground in Santa Ana/border of Tustin. On the 19th of this month we are celebrating our teachers and mentors that have changed our lives. We are each bringing a framed picture or statue or something of our honorees.

I have been asked to play my Tibetan and Crystal bowls for a few minutes probably at the beginning and end of our meditative evening.

It is free!!! Actually, it is Donation based and $10 is suggested.

We usually read from Lao Tzu’s, Tao Te Ching, it is a classic of ancient Chinese wisdom. Lao Tzu is the scholar who wrote “A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step.” and I am sure you have heard that before but didn’t know perhaps its origin.

The evening begins at 7:30 sharp and ends at 9. Let me know if you are interested. 



Y3 – Day 218 – Published

I have been published in a book containing 30 artists that contributed to the Insight Meditation Center in Northern California. Inside, are illustrations, photographs, poems, stories and essays.

I wrote a three page essay and all of our bios were indexed in the back of the paperback.

If you are interested it retails for $20 on Amazon.com and all proceeds go to the Center to continue their programs in Dharma and Buddhist practices.

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Y3 – Day 216 – Yum Yum at Native Foods

IMG_4249Chicken wings with ranch dressing, Azteca salad with jicama, avocado and cucumbers drenched in a lime mango dressing and Taco Salad with corn, cilantro, tortilla strips, green onions, salsa, seitan taco crumbles with chipotle sauce on the side.

Yum Yum at Native Foods in Costa Mesa with yoga mentor/friend Dana celebrating my birthday and the metaphysical “clearing” of her home of any unwanted energy.

We walked over and it started to pour just as we were served. It stopped raining when we were ready to walk back. It has never rained before in the summer and we both commented how all the precipitation we are getting is crazy. She doesn’t recall this sort of weather and she is a native.

Y3 – Day 215 – The Unceasing Mysteries

“When writing the story of your life,
don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” – Anon

As you mature, you acquire more discernment, boundaries and ironically – vulnerabilities.

I am trying to be more prudent with my time, allowing only family and close friends to engage me. Here and there, I have not been so judicious, and I have paid dearly for it. It comes with time.

I am also trying to set limits with myself and others. Lines in the sand aren’t about winners and losers, it is about setting up parameters that I am comfortable with. It is not always clear and it takes a lot of self – awareness to know your own lines of demarcation, especially if you ever have had a need to be on everyone’s approval list.

And then we come to the paradox. While all this protection and discriminating is bubbling up finally, you find yourself tearing up more, caring more and opening up your heart more.

It is almost as if by cutting away frayed and stray edges of fabric, delineating and marking the pattern, your creation emerges in full living color and is embodied by the true you.

Y3 – Day 214 – Women Authors Part Two

The next two writers are both writing teachers that have been around a long time.

Natalie Goldberg wrote Writing Down the Bones, back in the 80’s and has since become a classic (a la Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird) on scribes’ shelves. I believe they are still using her liberating book in some college courses and writing circles because it underscores the ease and ability every human has to write or create whatever they need to express. Her style is welcoming and open, encouraging and educational. She specifically includes Zen thinking into her text and way of instruction. Her beliefs influence her style of writing that reads occasionally like a guided meditation. Her exercises are practical and insightful, taking the issue at hand, right at the core. She constructs activities for writers that fit the proverbial “outside the box” label. After this book, I am on to her latest, The True Secret of Writing, her unique version of connecting life to words after forty years of teaching aspiring poets, essayists and novelists. She currently lives in Taos, New Mexico and is exploring the world of color through her art  – via paint.

I just discovered Louise de Salvo while reading a review on Amazon about Goldberg’s books. I started with her newer, The Art of Slow Writing and am getting my toes wet because I just couldn’t wait with, Writing as a Way of Healing. I was impressed enough with the first title and her style and form to investigate further. I found out her breakout book was the second title, bought it and I carry it with me everywhere now. So, I am almost finished with the first and getting started on the second, although she wrote them in reverse. It doesn’t matter really with nonfiction anyway. She is a memoirist with several memoirs to her name and taught writing as a professor at Hunter College.

I am reading these authors simultaneously and I am finding them to be an amazing and inspiring group of friends and supporters.

If only laundering, sorting, folding, dishes, meals, errands, appointments, sleep and phone calls weren’t included in my day to day tasks, I would read and write whenever and where ever it would strike my fancy.

Y3 – Day 213 – Women Authors Part One

I am in the middle of devouring the works of four women presently.

I am reading Jeanette Walls’ The Silver Star. Her first book I read was the memoir, The Glass Castle and its raw yet detached honesty impacted the way I looked at retelling of difficult situations. Inspiring to say the least. Then, J and M from NoCal also bought me two more of her books. The depiction of her grandmother’s story, Half Broke Horses is about her grandmother, Lily Casey Smith, who was a real life cowgirl back in the early 1900’s, surviving the great depression and other devastating moments. Although based on her ancestor’s past, it has been fictionalized to make it more entertaining. The novel I am currently reading is about two young sisters back in the ’70’s. They are abandoned and search out long lost relatives across the country and the past, present and future come to light within the pages that follow.

The other writer I am enjoying is Victoria Moran. She is a nonfiction author of over a dozen books. I have her first books, Living a Charmed Life and Younger by the Day, on my bookshelf from at least a decade back. It always impressed me she wrote about a healthy diet and fitness amongst other topics and it seems she has evolved into one of the leading ladies of the Vegan Movement. She has volumes of information on whole foods, plant based eating and nutrition. She has battled with weight and writes about it. She began the Main Street Vegan Academy with her vegan raised daughter and holds the only accredited  Vegan Lifestyle Coaching  Certification available in the US today. After Main Street Vegan, explaining her take on becoming, being and remaining a vegan after her own thirty year mostly plant based diet,  I will be reading her Fit From Within, covering and sharing her dietary struggles and The Good Karma Diet, focusing on the spiritual aspects of being a compassionate vegan. She has excellent one hour podcasts I am listening to featuring major players in the field of animal rights, activism, environmental concerns, science/research and food/nutrition related themes.

Stay Tuned: Tomorrow, two more women authors will be highlighted.

Y3 – Day 212 – OC Fair Summer 2015

IMG_4243Meet Clarence, the 3000 pound eleven year old ox.

IMG_4239And, this cutie pie goat said hello to us bright and early. All the goats were so trusting and friendly.

IMG_4244Don’t tell my trainer J but I hadn’t had breakfast so I was starving and this was the healthiest meal – fried zucchini and artichoke hearts. We also split a fried coffee. 

IMG_4245How tall are these corn stalks anyway? My husband is six feet tall.