True Peace

True peace lies in the spring budding leaves of the dogwood. Or, a blue jay busy squawking, a chickadee drinking rain water, a red hat wearing woodpecker pecking at a branch for insects, or tiny worms in the bark.

Nature is true peace. Order in my home is beauty and peace. The sitar music with soft beats is true peace. Listening to 963Hz sound vibes is true peace.

The allure of out door vignettes and views are true peace. A plate of food well distributed and colorful is true peace.

The anticipation of bedtime and reading a treasured or new book is true peace. Wonder, enthusiasm and gratitude is true peace.

True peace is not fighting anything or with anyone not even inside myself. True peace is the scent of sweet candles burning bright, sage and incense, perfumed rooms cleansed by essential oils.

True peace is holding a baby, petting a furry family member or hugging, comforting, embracing with intention, releasing tears or sharing the joy of being alive in the same time continuum.

True peace is raindrops tapping onto the roof, cleansing dust off trees, bushes and washing away debris – leaving foliage, buds and flowers scattered below green canopies.

True peace is noticing and being awestruck by life and natural beauty, changes and moments of transformation.

The sky darkens, the sky clears, the sky opens and the sky releases tears.

And I am overjoyed!

Disordered Eating

Strict dieting, portion control, eliminating entire groups of foods and timed as well as how many meals led me to binge after each and every bout of severe restriction. ALL of my adult life.

The weighing, measuring and counting triggered what I later learned was disordered eating. When I looked into Eating Disorders Anonymous after a friendly chat with a gen z-er who noticed I wasn’t ordering lunch during a lunch date, I realized my weight and body size meant a lot more to me and how in reality it was unimportant to others who liked or loved me and generally in the scheme of things.

I have used food as a substitute for feeling emotions as well as sabotaging and punishing myself. It was a comfort, a drug and an escape. It was a way to control, manipulate and judge me because as an immature adult I thought I needed that kind of discipline. I had body dysmorphia and loathing. No body shape or size was ever good enough.

Now I use intuitive eating and I have gained weight yet actually I like myself more and I am finding my voice. Because it wasn’t the outer me that had to morph, it was the inner me that had to love and accept herself exactly where she was at.

Journal Prompt: What are your food rules?


Covid Lockdown had a silver lining. It made clear who and what mattered.

I have absolutely no patience for cruelty, greed and bullies. Never did, but I am not shy about how I fell about it any more. I do not agree with silence. I believe discrimination, unfair systems and wrongdoings against Earth and Humanity and Nature need to be spoken about, out in the open. Dialoging, informing and awakening to cultural changes are a must for me now.

I have more compassion, grace, tolerance and gratitude for self, therefore for you as well.

I dealt with anxiety on a deeper level after January 6, 2021. The day that will live in infamy for me like 9/11. I will not accept lies from those who are sore losers or try to frighten us anymore. More than ever, I believe in higher ground. You don’t have to defend truth, facts and science. They just are.

I respect and have tried to understand other points of view but not if it is tainted with fear, meanness and ugly behavior.

I’m done asking why did this happen? OR why did they do that? The answer is clear as a bell and it’s up to me to own my own attitudes and reactions.

I’ve become more discerning. I work on me and surround myself with uplifting, supportive and empathetic folks.

Journal Prompts:

What are 3 things you are grateful for that maybe you were not aware of before Covid hit or realize the importance of today?

What are 3 people, places or things you are powerless over?

What are 3 characteristics you like about yourself?


It’s the distractions that have derailed me, mostly. Every time I commit to self, interruptions keep me from following through. Finishing projects, writing a book, completing courses and becoming all I could be is not because of a lack of time. It’s how I spend my time.

M gets up extra early so he can do all his paperwork before the rest of the world awakens, arrives and starts to sidetrack or intrudes on him.

I get busy, getting things done, sinking my teeth into a task and BOOM, I change course because I am easily led down rabbit holes or something or someone stops me. It happens either by an outside source like a phone call needing my attention or my own head wandering or flitting to another flower like a butterfly.

Mind control and discipline can be practiced with meditation. It regulates and concentrates your focus on the breath, for example, so you can ground yourself better. That’s YOGA in a nutshell. Using your body to breathe and move as if that’s all that existed in the world.

Sorry, M just walked in and I forgot my train of thought.

7 Affirmations

I subscribe to Insight Timer since waaaaaaay back when it first came out and a smart phone had first been put Into my hand. Insight meditation is an eastern style of contemplation and I was and am very much intrigued by it. Needless to say, tech was all so new to me that for years I thought the only application Insight Timer had was a timer with a singing bowl. And maybe that IS how it began, but fast-forward to the 2023 version, there are now over hundreds of thousands of guided meditations and musical interludes and divinely inspired courses from all over the world and by a host of teachers, artists and light workers of every variety and approach.

A few months ago I listened to Jonathan Lehmann, a French Investment Lawyer who was so disillusioned with his preoccupation with material gain that he turned to the study of happiness and is now on Insight Timer and leads silent retreats, immerses himself in meditation and helps others. His seven affirmations spoke to me and I wrote them down for my personal use. Here they are:

7 (Seven) Affirmations by Jonathon Lehmann

  1. I make plans but I remain flexible, open to the surprises that life has in store for me. I try to say “Yes” as often as possible.
  2. I cultivate patience and by doing so I also cultivate self-confidence.
  3. I welcome the opportunity to step outside my comfort zones and I do NOT let myself be guided by fear.
  4. I love myself unconditionally because it’s essential to my happiness. I love the person that I am and I do not need other people’s approval to love myself fully.
  5. I am going to drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, walk, take the stairs, exercise. Today, I’m going to love my body.
  6. I give everywhere I go, even if only a smile, a compliment or my full attention. Listening is the best gift I can give those around me.
  7. I try to be impeccable with my word and to speak only to spread positivity, it’s counterproductive to my happiness to speak against myself or against others

It was Bound to Repeat

I just read a ranting and raving entry from my journal on 12/10/20. It was full of anxiety and worry and fear. I had gone down a rabbit hole (what they call doom scrolling now) on Reddit and it scared no – terrorized me. Some red states were trying to overthrow the election and it seemed familiar to me. I felt I was back in a nightmarish memory. The trauma was in my body. I couldn’t quite place the extreme reaction.

Back in 2020, I didn’t realize the marked differences until a friend called and she mentioned how the whole world was going down the tubes and I asked her why? We started talking about politics and I thought we were on the same page about the end of democracy and the unfairness and suddenly after I said something about a civil war looming and a certain somebody inciting violence she said no I don’t think that – I’m talking about the illegitimacy of the election and I said which one? You mean this one? Was she talking about Bush vs. Gore? And after both of us realizing we were living in two different realities it was awkward and we hung up.

In the middle of the night I couldn’t sleep. I felt the unrest and couldn’t console myself. I saw clearly that this was a moment, that we were on a sort of precipice and it felt like the novel 1984 but worse because we also had the Covid crisis. Who would have bought a screenplay of 1984 plus a pandemic thrown in?

Gore would have handled the 9/11 event differently. I believe we would have perhaps asked ourselves why we were attacked. I opine therefore we would not had an Iraq war because that was a farce birthed in machismo and greed. We had no business being there. So many places we arrogantly invaded. And don’t get me started on climate change and how we would have all on this planet been in a better place today.

And then, last night I am reading Violeta by Isabel Allende, always such an historic truth teller with a woman’s story to match. And her description of the political genocide in South America especially of Chile and then seven years of it in Argentina and I realized it was bound to happen again, karmically almost comically right here where I live now.

There’s a total disregard for law and order and rules and civility that would have been unthinkable before. That happened in Argentina in the 70’s too. My family living there had no other choice but to live through the Condor Operation and I was only there for a smidgen of it. I came back to the states and was safe. But now it had followed me here and it is pure satire that time and again my ancestors have had to flee wars, poverty and oppression only to have it all come back to the land of the “free”.

It is unbearable to assume there are no safe harbors or dreams of a better life left. Let’s not let this be repeated and heed it as a warning of how plausible it all actually was.


You delve full on if you’re all in. On a daily basis. Hourly, every minute your thoughts stray. At first and for a while or maybe every time a new challenge shows up, you have tons of doubts, questions and micro-resistances. And lots to learn. About how to behave from a place of rigorous honesty and radical integrity. This is your spiritual path. It mirrors with the yoga tenets of the Yamas and the Niyamas.

With time, it becomes a quest for self-approval, self-acceptance and self-care rather than looking outside yourself for validation.

And then, it is an exploration of how to give from a place of surplus. The abundance of love and fulfillment needed to supersede an ego-centered past life. You extend the repairing and maturing. You strive to become whole and complete, releasing trauma and not letting it define you or interfere with who you are today in the present moment. You connect the dots and realize it’s all been necessary. The journey becomes a continuous learning curve wherein your biggest leaps of understanding and wisdom come from a place of pain, suffering, confusion and ultimately surrender to what is. You ride the waves, enjoy the ride; swell, crest and crash and then serenity creeps back. Like the breath, it’s the in and out, the up and down, the RIDE that builds your character.

In essence, recovery is repairing your relationship with self and how you react to the world and taking responsibility for absolutely everything that you now do and did. You reframe your challenges and see where you were indeed the creator or reactor to circumstances. You are taught to love yourself no matter what, surrounded by strangers that love you for coming into the deep folds of healing. United and together, on misfit island, you share from the heart and are allowed to be vulnerable without judgment or comment. Common cultural barriers and mores are broken in order to love the newcomer with love they do not have for themselves yet. You might want to isolate but people reach out to you and you are in disbelief. Alone is not lonely any more. And you never have to suppress or hold onto negative thoughts anymore.

Buddha Nature

My rebellious nature is the addict in me, the one that chases pleasure which leads eventually to NO joy for me, only pain.

The wise, mindful quality, in me, pauses and chooses with kindness. That’s the Bodhisattva essence inside weighing and measuring her actions, thoughts and words with careful investigation and rigorous honesty.

Inquiry and right action with compassion lead me to freedom within the structure of my ethics, values, beliefs and vision I have for myself.


Whatever your interests, it brings you closer to your authentic self. I’m attracted to wildlife and nature; birds, horticulture, water. I’m also partial to the study of stars, the universe and all interpretations of it.

Life is lovely. Life is full. Life is Recovery of the Soul. Life is manifestation of Spirit inside body form. Life is mind over matter. Life is the thought train till the end of time.

Is there an end? On the one hand who wants their life as we know it to end? Perhaps the suffering. The alternative to full stop finite death is Eternity and isn’t that even scarier? No end? If infinity is real then so are endings of some sort or transitions, transformations and reincarnations via our minute cells of intelligence. This is why some of us can deliberately connect with trees, dogs and others on an almost telepathic level.

Synchronicity, Serendipity and Deja Vu are all time travel. Perhaps there are dimensions we are not even aware of as of yet. Whatever the theory and reality, I know in my heart that love is absolute and we are all connected.

Your interests will lead you into a sacred space where time stands still and you’re not sure where you were for a moment. The zone. Next time you find yourself coming out of this dreamy place, wonder and remember.

Cleanse and Release

When we cleanse and release ourselves form the grips of trauma, we purge ourselves of old mind patterns and find freedom of thought as well as the glory that is reconnecting with our true selves.

As I grow in spurts, I learn to fluctuate and tighten, immerse and recede from people and ideas and places. I have zeal and then ennui. I question, revamp and focus with intensity. Then, I drop the motivation as if all the energy has left me dry. Sometimes, I can’t sustain or commit one hundred percent to anything. Certainly not all the time.

My template is to throw myself mercilessly into something, teach it, burn out and then make it my own, intertwining talent with reality, creating something new, unique and adaptive to suit me. That’s been my pattern.

I used to plan with precision. Holidays and fetes at our house were events. I adorn it lightly now and lightly move through the seasons with a dose of nostalgia. I see the impermanence, the wheel, the return and forward motion of it all .

I go from being profound to vain to caring wholeheartedly to nothing and blocking it out.

My reverie is a dream. My revelations mean nothing to anyone unless I share them or write about them. And even then, do you see yourself in my house of mirrors?

Acceptance is the basic tenet of many spiritual paths. And how do I see myself on this journey? Another hobby, another passion and then away I go?

I’m always searching, yet it’s as simple as “there’s no place like home” – all the answers are within. All the explanations and solutions are in The Wizard of OZ, my favorite flick of all time. So, relax and let the wind blow, the sun shine. Hear the birdsong of spring lift your spirits high.

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude… to be able to think out loud and wonder and use my five senses. There’s a miracle around every corner and right under our noses. See, feel, hear, taste, touch and envision it.