Y4 – Day 335 – March



“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

In March, we prepare the soil; digging deep with vigor, adding nourished amendments and envisioning a bounty for our spring garden. We will set up a foundation of mercy, explore the many routes to contemplation and reap rewards from proper balance.

March sets the stage for giving. For -give -ness is a state of generosity, for we GIVE compassion, tolerance, acceptance and love, replacing fear, judgment, intolerance and control. Forgiveness is a process of healing layer upon layer of hurt. We learn to settle disputes, let go of grievances and release resentments one day at a time, every day of our lives.

Along the way, we pick up tools for our personal development. We find new ways of meditating, cleansing and clearing to lift the strata of unhelpful patterns. Forgiveness practices are training wheels encouraging you to cycle with your own two feet, balancing spiritual and worldly interactions in a steady rhythm to move you forward on the course.

Cleaning our slate, emptying our old trash of complaints, we refill ourselves with renewed, better choices and perceptions. By taking out the garbage, we become empty canvasses for pure, original art, design and hues. We free our imaginative souls.

There is no heaven without absolution. This month, we realize we can’t want misery for other folk without being in limbo ourselves. Forgiveness ends every illusion we are separate from the present moment and our oneness with the universe. It begins and finishes with me, with you, with us.

Making amends to ourselves, forgiving our own harshness towards ourselves, we become guided by our true north, reconnecting with our actual power and the exact reason for our existence.

Let’s dissolve fear, call for spiritual guidance and spread the Love! Let’s carry out every moment with vivid, deep, extraordinary and exciting vision together! I implore and dare you to select this month as an opportunity to shed your Karma and past through forgiveness.

My spirit is eternal. It loves Harmony, Peace and Wonder. I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding now.



Y4 – Day 334 – The Writerly Life

Here I am living the writerly life as I and some other people call it. It can be lonely. It can be exciting. It is hopeful. It is revealing.

Everytime I put down the pen, closed the laptop, refused to write a complete thought because I believed mundane tasks or other people’s needs were more important than my own passion, I felt less than centered.

When I thwart my desire, for whatever reason (it can even be my own procrastination), my frustrated soul screams. It sighs, goes back into the crevices and hides deeper into my inner cave.

I’m so lucky I get to live the writerly life now and deem it high priority. Because when I awaken the author in me, anything is a prompt to get me writing. I hear about a typical, normal day and I sense a great story. Every spin, opinion or theory sounds like an intriguing idea. Everything sparks the annotator in me when I confidently claim “I am a writer!”


Y4 – Day 333 – Inspiration is…

Inspiration is my luminous center.

Sankalpa is Sanskrit for a statement or a vow of your inner guiding light, or as we know it, inspiration.

Imagine your finest, most fulfilled and rewarding life. What does the scenario look like? How does it resemble your present day life? Where do changes need to be made in order to get your current life to look like your best lived life?

When I am alone in the mountains writing with books, laptop, research, notes and dog around me, I feel inspired. When do you fell your most motivated?

If you have a longing, a deep hunger, then you must contribute to its accomplishment by awakening to your true nature.

Affirm: I connect to my highest, complete and whole self.

Y4 – Day 331 – Resemble

My life really resembles my thinking. That’s way important to remember. If I stay in victimhood or martyrdom, I am useless. I can’t help another living soul. Better to take on the archetype of goddess or universal lover. And, say to myself, “I am victorious, I am wonderful!”

And secretly, “I am a widely renown author, I am prolific, fantastic and proof positive that age doesn’t matter.”

Heck, you hear of people going back to school well into their 80’s and 90’s. Why not be finally published at 58 or so? If I am not a self professed and declared writer today – what do I think I would regret in five years? I am busy writing, creating, editing.

Nothing I write here is edited usually. This is straight off the cuff. This is my typing experimental playground. It is a wealth of inspiration when I am not sure which direction to take though. By plunking down my feelings, I get to see them in black and white. When I re-read them later in the year or however later in the future, I can see how far I have come or how much more work I have.

Y4 – Day 330 – Relief

The Path of Gratitude is the Foundation of Happiness.

The journey of the spirit is lit by Love.

It is simpler to start from scratch than to re-invent the wheel. The old me says,”I always make a mess.” The new me says, ” I discern and only keep what I adore,” and “all is tidy and organized!”

Even a Gratitude List made begrudgingly helps.

Y4 – Day 329 – Hell

hell is having the enemy switch out their tactics so as to seem more attractive but still sneering, seething and swamping inside. hell is the foe who sweetens the deal because they know more about what makes you tick than you are prepared to admit. hell is allowing an autocrat to step up to a podium with relentless coverage. That is hell today.

Autocrat: someone who insists on complete obedience from others.

Synonyms: dictator, despot, tyrant.

Read The Art of War and The Art of the Deal side by side. Scary. I would use the cliche wolf in sheep’s clothing for last night’s demo of chameleon like behavior but I didn’t want to demonize the wolf kingdom, especially since they are being hunted down like immigrants in the wild these days.

Some of us didn’t find the tone reassuring or genuine. Clever fooling of the sheep but nefarious for those of us who see through the fake delivery to the actual words, the vile inhumane policies and the black heart of an ego in power and service to its narcissism.