Y4 – Day 249 – How to make It Count

In detachment, you can observe and respond rather than react. You can watch your own thoughts and decide to feel and behave in an appropriate manner. By focusing on you, and not what is external, you can be the calm in the storm. You can produce and be while others are falling apart and unravelling. Screaming, shouting or overreacting is a sure sign of taking everything personally and attaching yourself like a barnacle to the rock that plummets and sinks into the deep sea.

I take in a slow breath, bring it to the belly and then release it with an audible sigh. After the pause of an inhale, exhale, I can become emotionally independent, unhooking from the fishing line of a made up story in my head.

I know a wise woman who takes care of herself and her home like precious jewels without being conceited in the least or overly concerned with her housekeeping. She is a joy to be around, refusing to submit to bitterness or negative impulses. She knows what is hers and what is not, taking responsibility for her own actions and words, never apologizing for another’s comport.

She teaches me to make every minute count. I learn to uncover my inner resources. Transforming all my fears, flaws and unhelpful attributes into blooms of flowers, happy silver linings, lessons learned, positive statements and gratitudes gives me courage and strength not fanciful weaknesses as the world would have you believe. Try it sometime.


Y4 – Day 248 – Comfy with Self

My attitude and perspective makes all the difference.

I am most comfortable when I detach from outside issues and just focus on my own behavior, demeanor and thinking.

A commitment to self and focus on self has to happen. I need to keep my side of the street clean and not take things personally.

Waking up with my doggie and a cup of java is one of my favorite times of the day. I love the morning and the hope of it being brilliant.

When I prepare my husband’s dinner and he walks through the door, that is another special time of day.

A wise, supportive, happy woman told me that our relationships need to fill us up.

“Real peace is always unshakeable… Bliss is unchanged by gain or loss.” – Yogi Bhajan

Y4 – Day 247 – Tree

If you were a tree, which branches would be Happy?

Which of your branches would be Sad?

For me, I am joyful when I recognize and have a sense of humor. Who doesn’t love the release of laughter? When I give, I receive, so that makes me feel good too. I have a sunnier disposition when I am grateful.

The other side of the coin shows up mainly as expectations. I disappoint myself with my procrastinating, lazy ways. My scattered brain seems so disorganized and that frustrates me. When I am in fear, which is nearly all the time, I feel like I cannot rest, like my dog, Cindi, one eye open waiting for the next person to walk by so she can bark at them.

I know one thing. Becoming too attached to outcome, being hooked into the external, basing my happiness on others instead of myself, doesn’t work. Finding the worthiness to be okay with doing something for myself, has taken a long time to grasp.

Y 4- Day 245 – How Pregnancy and Writing Relate

Equating being pregnant to writing may seem a bit ridiculous yet I found some similarities. Finding parallels and connecting dots in order to make sense of things gives everything meaning. Here is what I found:

When I was pregnant, I walked and walked and walked. When I write I walk to get the juices going and to explore ideas. I like to walk and talk and think. I am a big walker.

When I was pregnant, I read a lot about pregnancy. I read a lot about writing when I am in the thick of it. I am a big reader and whatever I am involved with at the moment, I devour that knowledge to help me understand. Fear drives me to learn more.

When I was pregnant, I took Lamaze breathing classes and it wasn’t necessary. I have taken a few writing classes online and they haven’t been much help. It is going to happen one way or another is the common theme here, I guess.

When I was pregnant, I compared notes, asked questions and complained to women who had or were going through gestation. When I write, I contrast my first draft with published work, I need a lot of validation and I judge myself constantly. Lots of introspection and analogizing goes on no matter what I tackle.

When I was pregnant, I daydreamed and bonded with the baby in a fierce way. When I write, I fantasize and identify with the writing in a fervent way. I am one enthusiastic, intense and demanding mother and writer I guess. I know my kids are internally rolling their eyes right now, saying out loud, “You think?”

When I was pregnant, I prepared the baby room and counted down our child’s arrival. My body grew until the child was ready to be born. When a writer decides to publish, they arrange their schedule to meet the deadlines and take steps towards a launch. I believe I have been gestating at least three books in me since I was six years old and have yet to spit them out. One happens involuntarily, the other is a choice, carefully and slowly marinating until all the stars align.

When I was pregnant, I thought of nothing else. Everything I did related to my needs as a pregnant woman. As a writer, I need to remind myself to do the same or I won’t produce anything.

When I was pregnant, I felt special yet afraid. When I write, I lose track of time and I edit out much of my voice. Perhaps I need to re-think writing more authentically and setting up a timer.

This exercise gave me a chance to establish a criteria of what I need in order to accomplish a finished piece.

Boundaries and realities were explored for myself and others.

Therefore, I declare, I am a pregnant writer in process and progress.


Y4 – Day 243 – Success

What 3 things do you need to succeed?




Never mind the other 3 things you need like:




I bet you could think of three more. Depending on your project or goal, there are a myriad of items you need in your front and back pockets. for example: for some, you must have sweat, a bankroll and backing and also, a customer base.

It all depends on what it is you want to accomplish and what you deem important.