Y3 – Day 166 – Joy

Like meditation, it is a paradox that if you spend time doing joyful even productive tasks, the return is so much greater than the effort you extend. What you can achieve when happily engrossed in even a menial chore with mindful attention is more than completing the job itself. It is time well spent when you are focused on doing something with intention. Performing and executing without being engaged is not as juicy or rewarding. Stopping even intermittently to reflect is better.


Today, I pause to consider my actions and work joyfully in the moment.

Y3 – Day 123 – Goddesses of India

Recently I attended a lecture on the Goddesses of India. I did not expect to leave with so much information. The energetic, enthusiastic and brilliant professor not only covered the origin of Hinduism but explained the anthropology of the Indus Valley and how certain cultures merged, creating different stories of the origins of certain deities.

We covered Brahma (Creator), Sarasvati (Organizer) and Vishnu (Preserver) or the Trimurti like the Trinity. We learned why and how the indigenous Matriarchal worship turned into Indo –  European Patriarchal worship. We learned about Durga, Kali, Parvati, Shiva and Lakshmi, including fascinating tales. We covered Yakshis (personified nature spirits) and shakti (strong female power). We learned about ancient rites that the Bhakti movement incorporated, how their temples open up to the sky, the etymology of certain names and the amalgamation of the feminine goddesses.

Besides adding to my yoga path, this history lesson underscored intriguing connections between ancient beliefs and modern day realities.

Outstanding information delivered in an entertaining way is true education.


Y3 – Day 96 – Follow your Dream

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

Steve Jobs

Follow your dream, exercise your uniqueness and express your authentic sparkle. That is how I interpret the above quote by a man who changed the world by thinking outside the box and taking it to the next level. There are many such movers and shakers. Some are not even famous nor rich, they just carry out their humble, possibly small but needed purpose.

Y3 – Day 69 – Dreams

Do you have a dream?

How big is this dream in your heart?

How long has it been there?

Would you regret it at the end of your life if you didn’t do it?

You can have many dreams and aspirations. Live them now or work towards them today and you won’t have any regrets. If you keep saying “someday”, you are losing time.


Y3 – Day 56 – Reprieve

As I sit here writing, I realize it is a little respite from the everyday; a way to relieve any pain, make sense of things, daydream, an attempt to use words to explain abstract, invisible and palpable sentiment. This writing has taken up sometimes a little or much of my day but what matters is the discipline of sitting in front of a blank screen and having faith something will eventually flow out of me and be created. That much is certain.

Today and all this past week has been one of trial, process and negotiation. I have seen my emotions ride the proverbial roller coaster and my strength, tested. Priorities shifted for everyone in our family this week.

We come together. We say our goodbyes.