Y5 – Day 44 – Transforming Empathy

When I first came to California and taught high school Spanish, I was asked to teach Limited English, as well. In the first few months, no curriculum existed and only a few immigrant children were matriculated.

As the years went by, the school became highly impacted. Not only did these young people undergo dire conditions in their homeland, but their escape and subsequent arrival was not met with support from the community.

Remarkably though, when a war torn child is shown just a trace of interest or aid, they open up, appreciate and cooperate. 

The dislocated, immigrant and refugee students I taught, less in need of language lessons than the warmth of empathy, became the finest, most willing and hardest working students on campus, especially given their circumstances.

Y5 – Day 43 – Sentient Beings and Transformation

from book

May 5 – Transformation – Sentient Beings

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” ~e.e. cummings

Every gender and each sentient being on this earth can be altered with affection, attention, resolve and tenderness. Time, ability, money and most importantly, attention – invested in our potential – transforms us.

Cindi (short for Cinderella), our rescue dog, didn’t bark for the first month. We assumed she didn’t speak or had no vocal cords. She was wary, demure and hid in her crate under blankets. Like the fairy tale, our Cindi bloomed from frightened ragamuffin in a corner to a magically transformed jewel. With time, her eager propensity to please and our adoration turned her into a grateful, endearing companion and a blessing. With encouragement and security, she has learned to express herself. She freely barks, begs, whines and sighs. 

Given reassurance, we develop into our best, most authentic selves. And, none of us is an island. Valuable helpers serendipitously enter our lives. It proves to be a win-win scenario.