Y3 – Day 98 – Let Love Be

Allow your eyes to take in everything with the thought of Love and it all becomes clear because Love lights up your vision. When you use that lens and remember to see through those Love glasses then colors are brighter, nature is more alive, speaking to you and the earth smells laden with life. When You realize Creative Intelligence/Source is everywhere and in You and around you and always has been, a sense of grandness that puts your life into perspective as both infinite, expanded and microscopic comes to be.

Y3 – Day 97 – Tuxedo Cat

I tried to practice yoga in my hallway and a certain cat decided it wanted to join me on the same mat. Lately, Nightlight wants to be involved in everything and anything I am doing.

IMG_3868Nightlight in child’s pose above and after folding my mat and going out, I found him, when I got back, insisting on continuing his practice on top of my mat in lying side angle pose.

Then, I wrote a few notes for my curriculum and again, I was terrorized by a competitive cat trying to steal my ideas!!! He even looks guilty!!! “What? What? I only snuck a peek!”




Y3 – Day 96 – Follow your Dream

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

Steve Jobs

Follow your dream, exercise your uniqueness and express your authentic sparkle. That is how I interpret the above quote by a man who changed the world by thinking outside the box and taking it to the next level. There are many such movers and shakers. Some are not even famous nor rich, they just carry out their humble, possibly small but needed purpose.

Y3 – Day 95 – Inhale

Inhale joy

Inhale joy – Exhale, a long and total exhale breath whatever doesn’t serve you anymore.

Inhale abundance – Exhale a sense of lack. 

Inhale deep and into every crevice, nook and cranny of your lungs – Exhale, stale, stagnant air. 

Inhale serenity, exhale worry.


I encourage you to move beyond the word joy and to let yourself have a direct experience of the full force and power of what joy really is. With each inhalation, you breathe in the aliveness, the sparkle, the creativity, and the sense of possibility that exists in joy. The goal is to enjoy the innate intelligence of joy, and also its peacefulness, and its wholeness, and its loveliness.

– Robert Holden


Y3 – Day 92 – Color has Sprung

In the entry gardens, many old standbys greet the visitor as they walk under shaded, looming tall pine giants, California oaks and eucalyptus. South African orange clivia grace the underbrush.

DSC00244 DSC00245Camelias of every color range, size, variety and shape are still in bloom. Camelia plants become bushes which become trees.DSC00246 A grand fountain anchors the end of an allee or straight path lined with greenery.

DSC00247 Succulents border a petite stone bridge over a stream.

DSC00248 Purple teeny flowers dot the landscape with feathery foliage.


A grand floribunda camelia tree is home to a “grand” spiderweb. Look between the two blossoms and above the right one.

Y3 – Day 91 – Japanese Tea House

In the Japanese garden at Huntington, at the very top of a berm, is a replica of an authentic teahouse with opened walls for viewing the sparse rooms. DSC00284 DSC00285Above is a zoomed view of the bridge from the teahouse.

DSC00286A place setting and space all set up for a tea ceremony.

DSC00287 DSC00290This is the full view of the walkway as you exit the teahouse. Just looking at these simple horizontal and vertical lines, the draping of the willow and the smooth curvature brought out by the bridge and the shaping of the bushes, is enough to make any one rest in contentment. Every flower, stone, path, plant, and structure is placed in the exact position for it to be pleasing to the eye from wherever the observer is. Each is designed to have a form that harmonizes with the rest. It is a well thought out, controlled yet fluid garden.

Y3 – Day 90 – Chinese Garden

DSC00273The main entrance to the Garden of Flowing Fragrance at the Huntington is an exquisite start to acres of scenic walks among bridges, ponds and buildings which express a lyrical beauty that only literature and nature combined can inspire.

DSC00275Everything has a reason for being placed in the garden. Water symbolizes the ever-changing quality of life while rocks portray the eternal. Certain plants represent the seasons or positive character traits. Hundreds of erect bamboo trees stand for being upright and true while the lotus flower, although rooted in the mud, means purity.

DSC00300The water reflects structures, statues and picturesque rock formations purposefully situated amongst the plants and bodies of water.