Continuing with yesterday’s post, I want to share with you that back in 2014, I had a desire to host a retreat up in the mountains after restarting yoga at home for my yoga ladies.
I wrote about it from time to time in my journal. I daydreamed about it up in the cabin here and there.
Then, I started feeling like an urge to do it. Call it excitement or a calling. I started writing about it more frequently.
By June of 2016, I had it pretty much visualized. I casually mentioned it in July or August to the yoga class to survey enthusiasm and commitment. I shared my thoughts with BFF after discussing it with my husband and getting his input.
I had little notes everywhere on what to do and what to make food wise and how to coordinate it all. It still had to marinate before I could pick a date. I decided to keep notes on my iPhone on a walk I took a little time later because I lose pieces of paper, I come up with lots of great ideas on a walk and the endorphins released while on the walk make me feel like I can do anything.
And then, we all agreed on an approximate date and time. One of my yoginis, got vacation medical leave and it fit into our time bracket. Once that was settled, I made up a flyer and sent it out.
The minute I got replies, I went to work on fine tuning the details.
I made up an itinerary and a menu. I am a dreamer and a schemer.
I planned, I shopped, I cleaned and I anticipated. I believed it would happen. And if it didn’t or it didn’t look exactly how I expected it to, that was ok, too. I let go. I let it go and went with the flow. I took the next right action and then released it into the winds, literally. Besides, I was too busy having fun to demand any outcomes.
Needless to say, we all enjoyed the experience and I am planning the next one in my head as I type.
Never say Never because you Never know