Y4 – Day 218 – Intentions Kept

Intentions kept are intentions met.

Here is my version of Manifestation 101.

I intend I am stronger at ________.

I intend I am at my optimal _________.


I Intend I am_________.

I intend I _____________.


I never realized, as much as I like the beach, that my real beckoning resided in forests and mountains. As I look back over my journals, I wrote about my cabin in the woods for years.  It was one of my happy go to places in my meditations.  And, lo and behold, the right place appeared at the right time, not my expected time, and it looked just like a vision board I had made in early 2011 for New Year’s. We first saw our treehouse on November 3 of the same year. I knew it was the one within a full twenty minutes of experiencing a walk through. Thirteen days later, it was ours. My dream came alive.

So, here’s your challenge. What is it that you want?

  1. Write down that intention: Sticky notes, index cards, notes to self magnetized on the refrigerator, journals and reminders pinned onto your cork board work. Do one or all of them. This is narrowing it down and focusing on it with intention and dedication. It is making it clear to yourself what you want.
  2. Shut the inner critic down. Don’t listen. Continue to believe. Your inner critic is your ego not wanting to deal with any of it. Your ego doesn’t want to fail, experiment or try anything. It likes the status quo. Don’t tell anyone unless you trust them with your insights implicitly and KNOW they will encourage you. Let it roll out of you organically. Keep your intention, dream or belief breathing inside of you. Don’t let anyone, especially yourself, extinguish it or talk you out of it. Stop the naysaying.
  3. Make it exist. Visually create something in the physical to internalize it. I made a vision board. Besides #1, look at it, daily, at least once, perhaps in the morning and evening. You could draw, paint or color a picture, take a photograph and frame it, make a diorama in a shoe box like a kid, it doesn’t matter, as long as it is visually appealing and available. Don’t do it with yearning, do it with knowing, appreciating and being grateful for how beautiful your visual feels. This is your emotional connection.
  4. Meditate on it. Embody it into your soul. To make it palpable, it must come from a true affinity between your heart’s desire and your mind’s dialogue. Ask the Creative Source for guidance.
  5. Work towards it in incremental, teeny, tiny steps. But at the same time, be bold! Do something to give you a taste or reminder of what it would feel like. And then, let it go!!!! For example, I surprised my husband with a weekend up at the mountains which in turn led him to book us a rental up by the lake, which led to a conversation with a real estate agent. That all happened in a matter of months because it was already out there in the universe and it all fell into place.

If you can dream it, believe it and see it then why not share it for the highest good?

If it is in your heart, it is in your reach.

Ok, now I need to take my own advice and work on that book!


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