Who in their right mind schedules a redo of their entire house right before Christmas? Well, I guess I can raise my hand to that one. Isn’t there enough stress during the holidays? Whenever you do anything ask yourself “Is this enriching my experience of being a human or is it too painful to add to my already busy life?
Here are the first five out of twenty ways we can survive this season.
- Stay Strong – Keep going to the gym so your body can keep up with the energetic strain in the air we all feel and give out.
- Stretch for Flexibility – maybe five minutes in the morning and the evening if you are short on time and who isn’t? Practice yoga even for a few minutes.
- Walk in Nature – It boosts endorphins and gives you a fresh perspective.
- Meditate – Just sit, close your eyes and take three to ten conscious deep breaths. Use one word like Peace or Love as a mantra, or chant a mantra in Sanskrit or recite the Our Father or a meaningful affirmation or visualize your happy place like the beach, mountains or a field of flowers and go there. Stare into a flame with your eyes open and try not to blink which is called tratik.
- Get at least one massage or DIY your neck, shoulders and feet with pain relieveing cream.