Our bodies are earth suits and succumb to natural law. They are born from a spark of combustion. They are wired in womb and pass through a rapid transformation. Leaving behind recognition of their mission, bodies are born into the world, vulnerable, depending on other bodies to take care of and teach them. They acquire environmental cues to fear, to obey, and to distrust. By virtue of life given, they must also bloom, reproduce and wither. Our bodies molt daily, marching forth towards death.
But our mind, soul, heart, our very essence is eternal and returns to its source, lessons learned. Once again, it has evolved. Once more, returning to another dimension of space and time.
Each experience is solitary. Each life is on its own journey. But, together we move forward or end in a cipher.
WE are the creators of the God Consciousness.
“The universe is transformation; our lives are what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius Antoninus