
Whatever your interests, it brings you closer to your authentic self. I’m attracted to wildlife and nature; birds, horticulture, water. I’m also partial to the study of stars, the universe and all interpretations of it.

Life is lovely. Life is full. Life is Recovery of the Soul. Life is manifestation of Spirit inside body form. Life is mind over matter. Life is the thought train till the end of time.

Is there an end? On the one hand who wants their life as we know it to end? Perhaps the suffering. The alternative to full stop finite death is Eternity and isn’t that even scarier? No end? If infinity is real then so are endings of some sort or transitions, transformations and reincarnations via our minute cells of intelligence. This is why some of us can deliberately connect with trees, dogs and others on an almost telepathic level.

Synchronicity, Serendipity and Deja Vu are all time travel. Perhaps there are dimensions we are not even aware of as of yet. Whatever the theory and reality, I know in my heart that love is absolute and we are all connected.

Your interests will lead you into a sacred space where time stands still and you’re not sure where you were for a moment. The zone. Next time you find yourself coming out of this dreamy place, wonder and remember.

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