SAVASANA or Corpse Pose or Relaxation Pose
This resting pose is performed at the end of each yoga practice. It relieves tension, stress and is ideal for guided meditation. Focus on your exhalation as you relax the body. When your mind wanders, bring it back by concentrating on the breath.
- Lie on your back and close your eyes. Arrange a folded blanket under your knees to relax your lower back. Cover your tummy to soothe and warm you since your body temperature will drop.
- Place a pillow or blanket under your head, tilt your chin slightly towards your chest and keep the back of your neck long. This relaxes your neck and shoulders. Make sure your head is in line with your straight spine.
- Keep the back of your legs flat and about hip width distance apart. Allow your feet to relax and turn and drop the toes towards the side corners of the mat.
- Lay your armsĀ alongside your body. Move your arms and hands away from the hips about six to ten inches and have the palms face up.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together and just release your back into the ground. Allow your shoulders to rest into the earth.
- Let go, open up and set your body and mind free by tensing each individual body part and then loosen your grip. As you inhale, squeeze. And, as you exhale, slacken the hold. This breaks up the strain in your tissues so you can come into a true repose.
- Imagine you are melting into the floor. Stay here for at least five minutes and as long as an hour.
- To come out of the pose, take a deep inhalation and exhale with an audible sigh. Do this at least three more times. Afterwards, wiggle your extremities (toes and fingers) and reach your arms above and behind you and give yourself a good stretch from your hands to your feet as if you were being pulled at each end.
- Turn over onto your right side in a fetal position and take three more breaths.
- Lengthen your top leg, reach your left hand in front of your face and push your palm into the ground, then use your other hand and lift to a seated position.