From my Upcoming Book – Goddess Musings
June 6 – The Lotus Flower
“Just like the lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.” – Buddha
On a sandy, windy beach surrounding Mission Bay in San Diego, in the middle of a summer drought, I started to stroll. The stretch of coast was empty and I walked alone. I saw powder pink, two-inch-wide, star-shaped flowers on a grayish, skeleton like branch. What supply of rain, sun and sheer passion has to exist for it to have bloomed? Blush petals dotted the shriveled leaves. They must have roared their lust for life, like a lioness, as they blossomed. I felt giddy by the discovery and revelation. Parched and thirsty, I heard the squawk of dove gray, snow white seagulls. A tentative smile crossed my face as I fathomed they were the only spectators on the lonely shoreline, besides me. So, I recorded the rosy, petaled miracles and their extraordinary presence using my macro photographic lens. What an eye-opener to see nature growing where least expected.