Like Cindi and other disenfranchised sentient beings, the common thread of enduring positive change is empathy. Therefore, parents in the classroom, volunteers at animal shelters, helpers in senior centers and various outreach programs – alter people’s lives.
We are the ones whom must transport ourselves, closer to the evolution we want to see, both in and out of ourselves. And, in all our endeavors, it is humbling and good to remember – we are also backed and helped by others.
I believe in myself and am grateful for the people who bolster me along the way.
I intend to pass it on.
THINK ACTION: How have you transformed so far? Who can you seek assistance from in your life now? When has your own personal journey helped others? What was the largest cause of, or factor, in your transformation? Was it love? Need? Passion? Who are the pivotal persons in your own evolution story? How may you assist another using attention and compassion? Where can you pay it forward?