Over the summer, I seem to read even less than you would think a bookaphile would during the hot, muggy, no school atmosphere. Maybe, that is precisely why I read less.
Ever since I can remember, June through August means vacation, wake up late time. September through Thanksgiving you give it all you got and then you slide right into holiday mode. Every new year, it takes me till February to get moving and focused once again and that probably lasts till end of April, middle of May.
So, approximately half the year, I feel productive. Or at least that is the way it feels.
This summer, I tackled and read a few fine books. I am about ten pages away from finishing Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg. It is even better than her famous Writing Down the Bones, her first published book, that projected her into national fame. I can’t wait to curl up tonight and finish it. I will return to all my flagged pages right after and practice all her prompts.
I am two thirds through the inspirational book, 100 Ways to Simplify your Life by Joyce Meyer. I found this gem while browsing the Christian section of B and N. I was looking for a gift for a religious mom/friend. I found a humorous book written by two Christian women on being overworked raising kids. I knew she would relish commiserating. I never look in this section for myself. The spine or something caught my attention and I originally was going to give it away but as I started perusing through the pages, I fell in love. It is truly a simple book and I need simple. It may not be easy, but I can keep it simple. Lots of handy advice in this fine, simple read.
I started reading another, two, new additional women authors: Melissa Michaels and Heather Sellers. Melissa, the decorator, has a blog named “The Inspired Room” and the book I am currently in the middle of is titled, Love the Home you Have, Simple Ways to Embrace your style, get organized and delight in where you are. The word, simple, seems to be a theme this season for me. It isn’t just a practical book, it is personal and wise, as well. I loved it so much, I bought two more of her books. I tend to get hooked on a writer and then proceed to march through everything they have ever written and their autobiography – never mind nowadays, I can like their FB page and follow them, if I knew how to use my Twitter account.
Heather, on the other hand, is a writer’s friend and teacher. She gracefully pushes you to write and how. Her book Chapter by Chapter came out after Page by Page but the Chapter book arrived at my doorstep first, so of course I dived right in, right away. I am working through her many exercises and flagging almost every page. I will be traversing kind of backwards when I jump into Page by Page but it is all good stuff to fill my insatiable desire and quest for academic nonfiction.
Whenever my computer is slow or I have to wait for something to pop up, I read On Writing Well by William Zinger. This is a classic, a must read on every writer’s blog list of the top ten and quite entertaining. I keep it in my office, not by my bed like most books I’m reading and so far I haven’t even made it past the Introduction. That is okay. I notice time and again, if I pick it up during a slow computer transition, the computer gets jealous and suddenly decides to upload whatever it is, that much quicker. William’s guide to writing nonfiction is clear, warm and dare I say it – SIMPLE!