Print out this page. Finish the following sentences/affirmations/questions with whatever sparks you and comes to you first.
I focus on _______ with joy and dedication.
I am inspired to _______ today.
I ask _______ to help me and be with me.
I allow __________ to raise my thoughts to higher ground.
Why do I choose to __________ ?
How shall I _______ ?
Why don’t I _________ ?
If I could imagine the perfect scenario for the ___________ part of my life, what would it look like?
If I had all the time and energy in the world, I would _______.
My favorite pastime is _________ .
If I could go anywhere right now, in an instant, where would I opt to go?
Who would I bring? Not bring with me?
What would I do there?
Good start to getting in touch with self for the day.