Y3 – Day 54 – 25 Years

Twenty five years on this planet! Today is my eldest’s birthday and knowing him now for a quarter century is beyond belief!


If anyone wants to get teary-eyed they can search this date for 2013 and 2014 (or rather Day 97 – I remember when or Y2 – Day 54 – Wisdom) and they can read previous tributes and anecdotes on our first born son’s birth.

Today, I want to send out greetings to a young man who has become his own person, still learning, growing and enjoying his life with optimism, joy and reason. M is kind, generous and sweet; his smile or rather smirk, the look of surprise in almost every photograph, his gentleness and patience with his sisters, his chivalry and loyalty to all, his depth, his eagerness, his enthusiasm and his self-awareness – is just the tip of the iceberg.

In honor of this boy turned into man who turned his curiosity of dinosaurs into a love of learning, his aptitude for Nintendo into a career into computer engineering and his sensitive nature into a loving partner, caring friend, dedicated, helpful and supportive brother and Best Son Ever – I say proudly and loudly – Happy Birthday, M, Happy Birthday, and may all your days be as precious as you are!

Love, Mom

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