There is a saying in recovery groups that rings a bell today.
It is merely, “Stick to the Winners.”
What exactly is a ‘winner’ you may ask? Aren’t there several interpretations? Are ‘winners’ the people who finish first? Are ‘winners’ the people who succeed in business? Are ‘winners’ the people you snarl at in a sarcastic manner?
While chatting with a friend today, we decided ‘winners’ are the emotionally healthy, happy, positive and solution oriented people in our lives. We also discovered we felt people who took their purpose on earth a little deeper, wider and anonymously were ‘winners’. Ergo, there are a lot of ‘winners’ you don’t even know about working like elves amongst us. I know a few. People who pray for others and don’t tell you. People who lend a hand, give to charity and forfeit their egos for the sake of the greater good seem to qualify too.
Willingness, Openness and complete Honesty about self is impossible without some measure of humility so I will assume, Humility, is a core character trait, a ‘winner’ needs.
“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes real happiness. It is not obtained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” – Helen Keller
I guess “Stick to the Winners.” is about being amongst the healthy-minded. When you find yourself amid the unhealthy (negative), perhaps, bring the healthy mind in, rising above and not getting caught in the snare of the lower energy. “Be the Change” so to speak.