As I filled my Harmony Wheel, so I could deduce what I needed to work on for the next six months, I realized my top three areas were in Spirituality, Meaningful Contribution and Health.
What is a Harmony Wheel you may ask? Here is how you make your own and how to use it:
Get out a blank piece of printer paper. Draw a huge circle and divide the pie into eight even slices. Name each section: Prosperity/Finances, Health, Fun/Creativity, Home/Living Environment, Spirituality/Meaningful Contribution, Significant Other/Relationship, Family/Friends and Career/Meaningful Contribution.
Now, on a scale from 0 – 10, 10 being the best and zero, non-existent, go with your initial gut response and rate each piece of your life. I like to color each section in a different hue after drawing a line in each section. Zero is dead center and ten is the outer circle. This way, I have a colorful visual.
Pick your top three places in your life you need to work on by observing where your inner impulses lead you. Usually, these are your lowest scoring areas.
Thank you to Dana Conley for the creation of this helpful tool and check her out at