Y3 – Day 341 – Now

What you do with each breath and thought makes you feel better or worse. What you put into or on your body either makes you feel good or lousy. These are choices we have NOW. We have so many choices.

Most of the time you don’t know what will happen. You tune in. Sure, you can plan, you can hope, you can design and you can imagine – but it never looks like you think it will.  Sometimes it’s better. Sometimes, not so wonderful. But the next minute will arrive and it comes whether you want it to or not. This too shall pass. Great and awful times both qualify.

The last minute DID just go by. Concentrate on this minute and act, behave, respond, think, do, say, write, eat, listen, play, listen and live it.

The infinite, highest form of self doesn’t live in time or space but our unique, divine spark is lit, NOW.


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