Much to my chagrin, our Dr. Wayne Dyer has passed at the age of 75. We knew he was ailing even when L and I went to see him last year in Escondido for the PBS taping. I thought he was doing everything he could to beat his illness but alas he has left this world yet has left us with a legacy of spiritual understanding and philosophical designs for living.
He said, “Whatever you focus your thoughts on expands.” And even though many great thinkers before him stated the same, it was the way Dyer wrote – so simply yet clearly, that brought legions of readers to his speaking engagements.
He espoused, “Practice being the kind of person you wish to attract.” and “Remain in a state of eternal gratitude.”
Dyer was a huge reader too. Most of his ideas are culled from ancient and modern sages. His take on Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching (Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life) was accessible to everyone in contemporary society. His book on sixty of some of the wisest teachers (Wisdom of the Ages) is his concise interpretation on their gifts to the world. He was a huge fan of education, educating himself and sharing it all with others.
He shall be missed.