You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy a freshly extracted veggie/fruit juice combo. It is a shot of pure vitamins into your bloodstream and because it has no fiber it bypasses the acids in your stomach. I don’t do it enough and I am not a daily juicer but every once in a while it just seems delicious and nutritious to me. You can certainly order one to go at most health food stores but it is fun to be able to make your own.
Here’s a recipe that makes 32 ounces adding up to 500 calories total that I came up with today. That’s 125 calories per 8 oz. juice and it couldn’t be fresher. I love a cup right after exercise or a walk. Then I have a solid breakfast when it is convenient or shortly right after. It keeps in the fridge for up to two days but the first cup is the most nourishing. I add a few drops of Stevia to sweeten it a bit because fresh juices taste so ….well…raw and real. Wash everything first to get any dirt and bacteria. If you are super finicky, use diluted vinegar and place all produce in a sink for a few minutes and then rinse off. Purchase organic everything if possible. It’s so pure and healthy it would be a shame to treat yourself to anything less.
9 oz. carrots – @ 4
12 oz. cucumber – one whole
4 oz. kale – @ 6 leaves
7 oz. celery
8 oz. fennel
12 oz. Asian pear – one whole, cut up into fourths
5 oz. lemons – 2 small