Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
Roman poet (43 BC – 17 AD)
Weekends are meant to be savored just like every minute of every day. – Cecilia
As long as I can recall, we go out to eat on Friday nights. It might have started on a different day of the week but it officially became Friday when student schedules freed us only on that evening and we made it the tradition. As the kids grew up and asked to have friends and then boy/girl friends to come we accommodated and were happy to as long as we had our Friday meal together and could ask each other how the week went and what were the plans for the weekend and anything that came up that needed to be talked about. Now that we are empty nesters again, we took our new dog out to Lazy Dog Cafe for dinner since they allow leashed dogs on their outdoor patio eating area and it’s their claim to fame. It was kinda cute.
Yesterday, we spent the day frolicking with the dog, walking her and carefully observing three cats and a dog get to know each other. I also started reading a new book, adding to my vegan collection, called Vegan Planet – an updated version just released Jan. 14th of this new year. I am looking forward to making some new recipes and sharing them on the blog as I traipse through the cookbook.
We just got back from finally seeing the movie Frozen and loved it. What a wonderful message and the animation, the music and the pace is Uber Disney perfect. Two weekends ago, we went to see Beauty and the Beast at the OC performing art center and it brought back the Disneyland days witnessing everything through the eyes of children. As an adult, both these stories bring tears to my eyes – and dare I say it? – warm fuzzy feelings. I am a mush these days.
As I sit here writing in the den, I listen to my zoo of pets and my prince charming snoozing, their even breaths falling and rising, the life in them visibly palpitating. I look past the screened patio doors to the colors of the yard, greens and grays, browns and slate blues.
Weekends are for regrouping, reconnecting and remembering.
If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. –
Herodotus, The Histories of Herodotus
Greek historian & traveler (484 BC – 430 BC)
Thank you LuLu. Soon you will see pets in person!!!!!