“Everyday I get to work with my interior designer on how beautiful I make my day.” – Me
I am blessed to be alive. I am blessed to be alive. I am blessed to be alive.
I am happy, peaceful, loving and contented.
I am calm, quiet, assured and confident.
I am joyous, generous, innocent and kind.
I am compassionate, tolerant, accepting and capable.
I am grateful, creative, competent and harmonious.
I am healthy, strong, organized and motivated.
I am blessed to be alive, I am blessed to be alive, I am blessed to be alive.
Say this over and over and over again in silence for one minute. Then write your own affirmations of what you want for yourself. I AM……(think of 4 things). Then write 3-6 lines of affirmations that are personal to you. Feel free to use, dissect or borrow from mine. Great way to start the week and end the weekend on an up note.