The saying goes, “You win some, you lose some.” The bad news is… we lost to the Kings in Round 2 – Game 7 on OUR ice in a despicable manner. Final score was 6-2.
Good news is… We got to see it, weep, shake our heads and carry on. No more hockey game anxiety for me till September.
It was Teemu Selanne’s last minutes, last period, last game in his long and stellar hockey career.
We might have had the youngest goalie John Gibson (20 years old) play in the playoffs, but we also had ‘the flash’, Teemu Selanne, the oldest hockey player in the playoffs (43 years old) take his final curtain bow. So long Number 8.
He represented us well.
What do you do when you swallow a bitter pill? How do you recover from a letdown?
I feel my way through it, I get a little angry, my energy dips, I complain about it and then I move on.
What do you do? How do you handle it?