After a productive, cheery and bright morning yesterday, I encountered a few hiccups. It was noon. By this time, I had learned shoddy packaging had ruined a small appliance delivered to us. I tried to remedy the situation over the internet and phone. No satisfaction was had. My husband loaded the box and squashed microwave into the back of our big white ‘land yacht’ as the kids call it and off I went to the warehouse in Santa Ana. The Sears outlet was in an industrial location. The space is two blocks wide and not air conditioned. It was a scorching 98 degrees outside. After agreeing that I did have a refund coming to me, it took one and one half hours to see that happen. Thankfully, I was able to hoist my disappointment onto BFF east coast and get some relief from her understanding replies. The managers were new, had no idea how to do the transaction, had to wait on a “special” register where someone ahead of me was setting up for a lengthy credit line, the register froze, the system went down and then finally an experienced person took over my situation and handed me a receipt of my return. I was seething inside but thankfully all is well that ends well. I was exhausted from containing myself and not lashing out. Good thing I wrote about Anger in my journal earlier.
The Ducks were winning and in the last seven seconds, the Kings tied for game 1 of Round Two Playoffs Series. The Kings scored in overtime and we lost. It was heartbreaking. I was thoroughly disgusted.
Today, I plan on lazing around and recuperating. I have some pets that feel the same way.
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. – Seneca