Awakened by a pack of howling coyotes, I couldn’t get back to sleep. I don’t mind the sound of wildlife outside as long as I am inside (and so are my pets). I ended up drinking coffee at 6 am, awake since 5.
Maybe instead of doing today what I THINK I need to be doing, I just go with the flow. I still do the daily business like walk the dog, eat food and drink water but maybe JUST BE. No other plans or expectations. Maybe, relax and read and work on my puzzle and walk while listening to birdsong. Maybe, just be with self and meditate in silence, practice some gentle yoga stretching and show compassion for self in real ways.
The more I do self-care and intuit my agenda, the more enthusiastic I feel about life. Go figure. A rebel through and through. The more I indulge the more worthy I feel. Many years of structured, restricted and unhealthy habits, the more I need to loosen up.
It’s simple really but not easy.
To find self-esteem I must do esteemable acts. So I encourage myself to think inspirational thoughts and ingest and inhale only healthy brain and body food. This includes what I say to myself and what I do for myself.
I need to be my own success story.