On this crazy weather/news day, I thought it would be apropos to share a Healing Heart meditation I transcribed and used in my yoga classes – especially useful for 4th Chakra opening, grieving or mending a broken heart. Get comfortable, breathe and begin.
Healing the Heart by Dr. Bill Ramos
I allow my mind to settle into Silence & Peace…In this moment, I put aside any unwanted thoughts and I focus my attention on the Heart of my Being…My heart is my silent Secret Place, where I can feel life deeply as it is…. In my Heart, I know intuitively what I want from life…and what I have to do to find it.
In my Heart, I know myself as a loving being, sure and kind, gentle and accepting…But many times I have opened my heart in the wrong way. I have opened my heart to love …but I put too many expectations and conditions on that love. I demanded a Return for my love and when I didn’t receive it, I closed my heart and locked myself away.
Yet, the love in my heart is always there, hidden and waiting…like a tiny rosebud; waiting for the right time to bloom into a beautiful flowering Rose. What do I need for my love to emerge? Only to know that I am already a Being of Love…I let go of the illusion that I have to draw love into my heart from outside myself.
As I sit/lay here, as I breathe, as I exist…I feel pure love in my heart….A love untouched by time, space and conditions. It is though I am breathing in the fragrance and beauty of a perfect Rose…and I hold this loving feeling gently within myself.
Within this love and beauty, I feel a deep acceptance of myself…my fears and uncertainties dissolve…I become sure of myself in the drama of life…Sure of my strengths, sure of my opportunities and creativity and sure of my ability to overcome obstacles.
My heart is strong and able to hold on to love…and as I give Love and become loving…first towards myself, and then, towards others…As I become loving, I attract love to myself.
I become like the fragrant Rose and I draw the Love of others as they come to appreciate my loving openness and beauty.
I open my heart completely to love…I cast out doubt and fear…I am a Being of Love and give my love freely and openly..
My heart and the rose are one…offering my gentle fragrance without conditions or expectations…I am whole….My heart is healed.