day 8 – Gratitude

Nothing gets me out of my funk faster than to write in my Gratitude Journal.  And nothing  can pull me out of self-pity or ‘the blues’ quicker than doing something for someone besides myself.

In my Journal, I write five things I am grateful for.  I used to do this nightly.  When I am in a troubled, lonely or depressive state, I have listed one hundred things I appreciate about my life.  Classical music, for instance or the fact that I can still enjoy listening to any music at all considering how close I have been to amplifiers at numerous rock concerts, ears ringing all the way home, for over forty years.  Or Art I never would have even cared about if it wasn’t for the Art Masters program I volunteered for in my kid’s elementary school days.  We learned about the artist and the techniques in order to be better equipped in the classroom and it helped me appreciate artists like Piet Mondrian and Lichtenstein who I would have ‘pooh pahd’ before with my ignorance.

Also, if you can’t get to sleep, it helps to run through the alphabet and envision someone, something or some moment you are grateful for to accompany each letter.  Just like the jumprope song we used to chant: A my name is Abigail and my husband’s name is Andy.  We come from Alabama and we sell Apples.

A – I am thankful for Art and all it encompasses and represents

B – I am thankful for Bells because I love to hear them ring

C- I am thankful for Crayons and being able to Color

D- I am thankful for Delicious Delights in the Daytime

E- I am thankful for Elizabeth, my youngest, sensitive and affectionate, super smart too

F- I am thankful for Friendship and Fine Food and Family Fun

ETC.. you get the idea

In this week of special grace  – May you remember and be reminded to be grateful.

I know I am grateful to be reminded of the things I need to be thankful for.


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