day 64 – Reminiscing

Leave it to my college age daughter V still on vacation to go through old baby books and pictures while she is home today.  It seems I had a baby journal wherein I wrote for the first year, for each of the babies, their escapades and developments.  Distinguished moments include; every child partaking of cat food, baby eating habits and choices eerily similar to their teen years and toddler personalities resembling  today’s young adult as if I was predicting their future quirks and ways.


M – Lumps and bumps, falling from bouncer, from living room into atrium – falling from standing on water bottles, boxes, anything on the floor or toys.  Amazing accuracy and aim with fingers – picking up things he shouldn’t off floor like grass and putting it into his mouth.  We also had several choking incidents – plants, pieces of food, coins, etc.  Squiggles so much when being changed – one must sing a song or give him a toy.  He claps, waves bye bye.  Seems extremely intelligent.  Loves music, kids, touching everything – always actively learning.  Right now, he’s turning the stereo knobs to death.  He has destroyed one cassette tape so far and learned to pour water out from the dispenser.  Repetitive banging of everything on everything. – 8th month. September/October 1990

V – She grasps objects beautifully. She is gorgeous!  She has her own personality – happy yet easily scared – makes her feelings and needs known – likes tranquility.  Sweet smile – looks at you like she knows you’re saying cute little things to her.  Went to Sizzler and she lunged at the food – she seems to know this is an all you can eat place.  She looks longingly at people eating food.  She’s a good eater.  She is a doll – a porcelain little doll.  She has a strong will and can be stubborn too.  If you take away a toy or something she wants to put in her mouth, you are doomed. – 5th month. October/November 1993

E – She is deliberate, pensive and patient as the day is long.  She is a precious, precious child.  She has excellent sensorimotor skills.  Everyone comments on her beautiful long eyelashes.  She is so pretty.  Personality wise, she is not easily made to laugh and loves to be entertained.  She can become extremely upset and complain when left alone. She hums and “talks” a lot.  She blows raspberries which absolutely makes M hysterical with laughter.  She is observant – very communicative and has shown pleasure, gradually increasing in her interest and excitement and delight in pure play! – 6th month. April 1996

General -There is nothing like having these three kids.  If I am not cooking, cleaning, laundering – I am breastfeeding. 1/18/96.  I am very lucky. Three beautiful and absolutely wonderful children – full of personality.  4/21/96.  Three is TOUGH – I’m trying my best! August or September 1996.

So when I fret with concern or worry now, I want to sigh with nostalgia, instead.  Because, as I read the baby diary  my BFF gave me back in ’89 when I was four months pregnant  in anticipation of my first child , I relive the precious moments I hurriedly jotted down here and there.  I recall in detail, the very instant, the joy, the turmoil and the newness of it all.  It seems like yesterday and yet so long ago.

 I am so glad I kept a journal and I feel honored to be blogging about it today.  We are all writers.  Write about your grandmother, the feelings if not the details. Or, write about your life today or something you remember from your childhood.  It doesn’t have to be great, just get it down on paper.  Get vulnerable and real.  Or just note observations.

 I am grateful I did. And I know my daughter V got a kick out of it, too.

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