“Nothing is lost upon a man who is bent upon growth; nothing wasted on one who is always preparing for life. By keeping eyes, mind, and heart open to nature, men, books, experience, and what he gathers, serves him at unexpected moments, is unforeseen.”
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Yesterday I found a treasure trove of books to be had for reasonable donation prices at the local, small town, Mountain Library. After purchasing two paperbacks from the outside cart, the manager asked if I had ever been to their surplus, discarded bookstore.
I believe I had entered this magical room once with family and promptly was rushed out – but this time I was alone and he fortuitously reminded me of it. I could carve out time on my hands since I had no pressing plans and took advantage of it by peering at every title and even perusing inside some volumes.
Needless to say their donation box and my tree house shelves are richer. Like a squirrel that has found the mother lode of nuts, I stacked my selections on their round table in the center of the room and couldn’t believe my luck.
They graciously helped me out to my car and I contentedly organized them once home. Super day!
I envision curling up on the deck when the weather is pleasant and curling up by the fireplace when it is not. In either curling, there will be much and various tomes to sink into.
I am keeping my eyes, mind and heart open to nature, women, books, experience and what I gather, serves me at unexpected moments.