day 14 – Toodooloo Mary Lou

I have an absolutely fabulous girlfriend who just ‘gets’ me and has always loved me unconditionally with love and acceptance, always, through some rather rough patches.   We have lived through the ups and downs of life together since college and the only glitch is she lives in New York and I live in California.  Through the years we have gained and lost many pounds.  We are both expert taste testers, critics and avid admirers of fine foods.  We meet once a year somewhere in the USA and consider the food culture important to our travel/sight seeing.

We are collaborating on a bi-coastal fitness/wellness relationship now.  We are giving each other encouragement, compassion and tips for success.  We have previously attempted this arrangement and it always works out well, but we have been slacking and times have changed and so have our bodies, so we decided we need to revamp and pump it up.  We had lost our way recently due to Super Storm Sandy on the East Coast, Thanksgiving and general hormonal trouble on the West Coast.

Our goals have changed. Formerly, we just cared about how we looked.  It’s a tad deeper now.   We have a sincere desire to see our young adult children get through college, start lives of their own, obtain a quality of life a strong body/mind can provide, travel together more and remain mobile, still wear eccentric, fun and wild outfits and continue to exude that positive high energy that attracts us to each other in the first place and feeds our respective creative juices.  Girlie Girl Goals these days requires Big Girl Panties and a Woman’s commitment.

We know we need self-confidence, motivation and high self-esteem.   We lack self-discipline in a big way. We could use some determination, planning and a wellspring of self-worth.  We can help each other out.  This is where BFFs come in handy.  No one comes close to knowing how you tick and confronting you with all the loopholes you will find to avoid exercise, eat whatever you desire (not need) and then rationalize it all.  Your good buddy will stop the self-sabotaging, calling you honestly and (this is crucial) delicately on your BS and prevent you from fooling yourself, once again.  Mary Lou will make and keep me accountable and vice versa.

Do you have a long time gal pal you can identify, strategize and join with in an effort to improve self?

Do you have exercise/sane food habits to share with us?

We will keep you posted.


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