When I can’t get back to sleep in the middle of the night I run through the alphabet and go through a makeshift gratitude list in my mind’s eye instead of counting lambs hopping over a fence. And mostly it works. I have taken the idea and extended it and even just used acronyms or other themes like naming vegetables in alphabetical order.
Last time I wrote acronyms in my head, I actually wrote them down because I thought I was brilliant in the middle of the night:
ABC – Art Beauty Creativity
DEF – Definite Energy Flow
GHI – Goddess Holds Inspiration
JKL – Joy Kindness Love
MNO – Money Needs Ownership
PQR – Peace Quiet Relax
STU – Stay Tuned Unconditionally
VWXYZ – View the World with Excitement and Youthful Zeal
Try it next time you can’t fall back asleep.