What do you love? What brings you joy? Not whom, but what do you love?
It is the essence of life itself that brings me joy. No matter what the politics.
Laughter; hearty, safe, funny humor, knee slapping, giggly, punchy.
Beauty; nature, natural, a dark branch seen in the foreground of a sunrise, the sound of frogs, the smell of grass clippings, petting soft furry animals, the scent of jasmine, the telling of story around the campfire of life.
Colors – I adore colors, variety and monochromatic,
Using my senses in conjunction with information; Texture – Art – Music – Architecture – Visuals – Aromatics – Tastes
I love gardens, the cabin, the mountains, pine trees and conical shapes.
I love the change of seasons, especially fall with its sunset colors.
I love our master bedroom furniture in the treehouse. It is industrial, it is smooth, it’s organic, it’s hickory wood, it is hip and rustic. It’s masculine, feminine, sexy, distressed, with a waxed finish.
I love eating and creating. I love being domestic. I love to care for our home, our marriage, our children.
I love to teach.
I love yoga, meditation, mandalas, aromatherapy, crystals and eastern philosophy .
I love reading, walking, chatting.
I love to write, especially freehand in cursive and I love, absolutely love to revise and edit on the computer.
I love to learn.
I love peace and serenity, the falling rain and snow. I love the clean look of snow, before contamination by footprints, tracks and dirt.
I love pizza, the simplicity of bread with sauce. I love nuts and lemons and onions.
I love life.
I love Cindi and her pleasant, easy disposition. I love our kids. I love M. But these are whom’s and not what’s.
Ok. Go! Write for 10 minutes straight, as fast as you can. What do you love? What brings you joy?