Here is a process you might want to use during Retrograde.
Set your intentions for the next retrograde season which starts Thursday, September 17 and ends, Friday, October 9.
Advice from my friend Marla: if you make your lists and plan it right, Mercury Retrograde is a good time to clean out the garage, your office, those over-stuffed bookcases, etc. You know, wipe the slate clean and start over. Plan to do half as much as you usually do. Do not start new projects unless they are “on your list.” Do not sign contracts during this time. Do not travel. The do’s and don’ts go on and on.
Take out 3 sheets of paper. Let’s manifest. Pray for divine or universal guidance and begin:
First sheet of paper is titled: Ideals, Goals and Aspirations I want to Complete during this time.
Second sheet: Everything I have been putting off or I am in the process of that I need to complete during this time.
Third sheet: Any travel, parties or events I am attending that I already know I have planned for this time span. Any travel already scheduled is fine but expect delays or glitches.
Fill up your pages and there is no need to worry, you have your plan for the Retrogade.