Y3 – Day 156 – Working on Self

All this too shall pass.

More will be revealed.

Know its a job from the inside out.

I worked diligently on self during deep desperation by writing and crying and just laying around. When I had any energy at all- I tried to complete a task.

The real turnaround happens when we pick up the phone and ask for help, guidance and relief from self.

We can shrivel up or climb out of the hole. Little by little. It’s up to us.

Succumbing again to feeling blue or worse and allowing the whole process to repeat is part of the deal. Each time, we feel just a bit more like ourselves, with alterations, changes or adjustments to our personality or character. Of course that takes tweaking. Of course it is going to hurt. That is what molting feels like. We grow new skin and at first it is very thin and raw.

Suffering only occurs when we resist the flow.


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