We technically have until Monday to return Cindi per chance she hadn’t worked out. I would like to instead – thank my lucky stars for our little friend, have her work for me as my muse and give back to the OC Shelter and Rescue in some sort of way.
Having Cindi as my muse is tricky. She has me spending way too much time enjoying the great outdoors, little sounds, smells and nuances in the air. She is distracting me from chores with her little antics like wagging her tail while she lays on her back, wriggling to and fro in delight. She has become the only topic of conversation I have, limiting me from thinking of anything else worth writing or chatting about. Her cuteness seriously derails me.
On the other hand, she is happily asleep in her doggie bed in my writing room. She insists I tap tap tap away so she can slumber, uninterrupted. She’s a never ending story, unfolding. She wants more from me, her grateful owner. She wants me to carry on with my writing, reading, resting, playing and living. She scurries to the door in earnest, she happily pauses and waits, tail wagging, excited and jumping for joy when I walk towards her with the leash. She stops to smell flowers four and a half feet below me I would have missed if she hadn’t tugged on her leash for me to enjoy them too.
She is eager, she is smart, she is endearing – that is all one really needs in a muse.
Great blog today and great photo. Your smile says it all.